Every universe has a spiderman. In a universe it could be you, your mom, your uncle, your cousin, even your best friend. This story will follow not one, but two Spider people in particular.
Y/N L/N and Gwen Stacy.
In most earth's, Spider-Man is...
Entering Oscorp, you find your heart beating as you try to slow it down and play it cool. You can feel some people's gaze on you. You just take a deep breath as you try to focus on the task at hand. You walk to the lady at the front desk as she greets you with a pretty blank face.
Y/N: Hello?
Secretary: Do you have an appointment?
Y/N: Umm, no. Well I um. I'm here to see Doctor Kafka. . . Umm. Ashely Kafka?
Secretary: For?
Y/N: Umm, the internship. . . thing. My father works here, umm. Doctor (L/N).
Her eyes light up a bit at the mention of that name.
Secretary: Oh right, he did mention you'd be stopping by for one of our scientists. She's up on the 4th floor in her lab.
Y/N: Thank you.
You rush to the elevator and press the button to take you to the 4th floor. You take a deep breath as you prepare to meet the woman who was gonna be the boss of you for a time. You let out a sigh as you get off the elevator. You make your way out of the room as you end up bumping into Gwen there. Although she looked a bit neater
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Gwen: Oh hey (Y/N). You started interning now?
Y/N: . . . You look very pretty.
Gwen: What?
Y/N:I mean, yeah. I was just here to kind Doctor Kafka. . . Also you look pretty.
Gwen: Oh t-thank you. I usually hate me hair up like this because of the scar but if you like it then thank you. Anyway, I can take you to her lab.
You nod as you follows Gwen closely behind, taking in the sights of the different forms of technology being worked on. which makes you remember the spiders. You lean close to Gwen as you whisper to her.
Y/N: Hey, whatever happened to those spiders. The ones that bit us.
Gwen: I don't know, they just vanished. I'm not high enough in the ranks of trust to even get anything out of Dr. Conners. He just says they weren't required any further. As for Dr. Kafka, she's working on a pretty important project for Mr. Osborn and she'd been so exhausted lately. But maybe you can help lighten her load. Just don't try to flirt with her or make any smart remarks. Try to maintain a mature attitude.
Y/N: Understood.
Gwen: Also, try not to be too serious. You actually can be terrifying when you turn the dial on too much with that. Just find a happy middle ground.
Y/N: Got it. Happy middle ground. . . I can try that I guess.
Gwen arrives at the door of a lab as you both enter. You walk in slowly as you see a woman at her desk seemingly fast asleep. Gwen walks over to her as she lightly shakes her awake.