Chapter 37: Things Will Always Get Worse

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  You woke up to light reflecting on your face, looking around you notice that you were back in the streets of New York.

Y/N: What the... suit!

  You flip and cling to the building.

Y/N: Why are we here? How are we here?

"I don't like it there. Besides, you need blood. You vomited most of it out ok the way here.."

Y/N:... Oh, Deadpool's blood. But what's wrong with the institute?

  "You're needed here. Spider-Man is needed here in the city."

Y/N: No. I don't care about all that. All I need is to rest, if not forever, then at least a little while... Like maybe a month or year.

  You could feel the suits agitation as you roll your eyes in response.

  You didn't know what it meant. But as you think to yourself, you decide to head over back to your apartment. You think it over in your mind as you were going to basically be leaving Gwen as the only Spider in New York. But eventually, you think of a solution for her.

  You swing, clinging to the wall of your apartment. You crawl along the wall and enter your room. Before the suit can dissolve, you decide to take it off yourself.

"What are you doing?"

Y/N: It's not forever. Just for a little bit. Give me a few days at most, and I'll be back at it. Or until school starts... which is in September now that I think about it.

  You could still feel the agitation, but you put your hand on your chest to calm them down.

Y/N: As I said. Only for a little bit. It'll be okay. Just let me rest back at the institute. Then we can get back out there with Gwen and fight all those bad guys. Besides, if my life were a book, I have a feeling I have a lot of unfinished business.

  The suit stays in the form of a black suit as you take it off. Leaving you in a t-shirt and pants.

Y/N: I'll put you on later. I just need to be really alone for... a while...

  You stumble in your room for a bit as you see the suit take the form of goo on your bed.

Y/N: Stay.

  You felt so drained. Wanting blood as soon as possible. You looked around the house, crawling along the ceiling before turning to your watch, calling up Kurt.

Y/N: Kurt, you there?

Kurt: Oh hey (Y/N). Where are you, I was on my way to take you on a tour of the school.

Y/N: The suit seems to not like it there. Took me all the way back to my apartment. Can you teleport and get me?

Kurt: Sadly, my teleportation doesn't go that far. But hold on, maybe I can get someone to help. Just gold tight, it shouldn't take too long.

  You drop from the ceiling and decide to sit and wait around the house for a moment. As you do, you hear a knock at the door. Leaping over to the door, you open it, seeing your sister standing on the other side.

Y/N: Elizabeth!

  You pause, not wanting to hug her because you were still a bit worried about your face and hair.

Elizabeth: (Y/N), I thought you were with the X-Men?

Y/N: Yeah, well, the suit took me back. Guess it didn't really like it there or something. But where's mom, why did you knock to enter your own house.

Elizabeth: I forgot the key inside, so I was hoping to catch mom before she left. But I am glad to see you are alright.

  She wraps her arms around your holding onto you tightly as you feel your senses go off, but you were too drained to care. Why would your senses go off for your sister? You ignored it and just held onto her tightly. Feeling a light prick on your skin, but you ignore it, enjoying your sister's loving embrace.

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