Every universe has a spiderman. In a universe it could be you, your mom, your uncle, your cousin, even your best friend. This story will follow not one, but two Spider people in particular.
Y/N L/N and Gwen Stacy.
In most earth's, Spider-Man is...
The next day, you took your little sister with you to the arcade where you were currently hangin out with Jubilee, Kitty, Kurt, and a new girl with a moody attitude and a southern accent. Well, she may have looked moody, but she actually seemed pretty chill to hang around. Especially since she was currently kicking your ass at Street Fighter. Which you could forgive, what with the messy brown hair with white streaks.
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Y/N: GAHHH!!! Dammit! I can't even blame lag, this is the worst.
Jubilee: Wow, you are not good at this game.
Elizabeth: He isn't good at ANY game. But don't worry (Y/N), I'll defend your honor. No one humiliates him at games but me.
Rogue: Well go easy on me. Not like I know what I'm doing either. I just pressed more buttons than him.
Y/N: This isn't fair. I guess Spidey-Sense doesn't work in the virtual world.
Jubilee: Is that why you were just standing still waiting for her to hit you?
Y/N: . . . Maybe? Anyway, sis don't go too hard on her now. I'm gonna hang back with Kurt and Kitty for now. Hopefully he left me with some pizza.
You walk over, sitting by the two as you check the Daily Bugle app on your phone.
Kitty: I didn't think you cared about the news.
Y/N: I do if it's related to me. I'm trying to see if Jubilee was in it at all. Don't want her identity to be all over.
You scroll through with Kurt and Kitty looking over your shoulder. Until you come across something. A blurry image of you with Jubilee on your back. It wasn't front page thank god, but the image was hard to see.
Y/N: "Spider menace assists rampaging Lizard in Midtown?" The fuck!? "Putting a young civilian girl in harms way." Okay on one hand, good, they didn't see her powers, but on the other hand, the FUCK!?!?
Kitty: Wow, they must like REALLY hate you.
Y/N: Jameson you asshole.
Kurt: Anything on Gwen?
Y/N: Nothing from last night's encounter with the Lizard, but earlier in the day there's a picture of her punching it right in the face asking the city "Is Spider-Woman a Hero or a Menace." Her picture looks better than mine! Why does she get the option of Hero when Menace is just branded on me?!
Kurt takes your phone trying to look for better images of you, only to see something as his eyes widened.
Kurt: Oh nein.
Y/N: What is it?
Kurt: Well, umm. Just look for yourself.
You take your phone back as you feel your heart sink. You see an image of you and Felicia jumping through portals as you see it labeled as. "The Villain we never knew."