Every universe has a spiderman. In a universe it could be you, your mom, your uncle, your cousin, even your best friend. This story will follow not one, but two Spider people in particular.
Y/N L/N and Gwen Stacy.
In most earth's, Spider-Man is...
Sutrah: Good morrow my little radioactive spiders. Tis been a while. For those that know me, good on you, for those who don't hehe, you'll get it soon enough. Anyway, I wanted to ask because these two won't stop pestering me.
She holds up a sign posing the question of the chapter.
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Sutrah: Who is it thou desires to see.
Deadpool: She totally stole our fit!
Lady Deadpool: Totally. Have you no shame!
Sutrah: Please pick, I have lived for eons and these two are driving me up a wall.
Deadpool: She loves us.
Lady Deadpool: Who wouldn't. But you heard her readers. Which of us you wanna see! No there are pros and cons that we both have, my pro is I'm easier to draw and have a rocking bod.
Deadpool: HEY! I'm easy to draw too AND have a rocking bod. You should see my swimsuit catalogue. Anyway, the author is just sexist! I demand equality!
Lady Deadpool: Eh, either way it's the readers choice who they get stuck with. So take your pick reader, or leave us in limbo of choices so we can hang with this golden girl here.
Sutrah: Thou must choose readers. Boy or Girl! Lady or Sir! King or Queen! Write your comments and share any concerns you have with me. I shall attend to them in do time.
Lady Deadpool: By readers, maybe I'll see you soon!
Deadpool: Or me. Just know if you pick her, I will be under your bed with bullets and a hurt ego!
Lady Deadpool: Same! Now vote my precious little chimichangas!
. . .
Sutrah: Oh and to keep this frank, the time to vote shall expire at midnight tonight, pacific time. So do cast your votes. And both is not an option, only pick one my little truffels.