Chapter 25: Yin and Yang

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*Day One*

  You rush to the scene of a car chase. You leap after the car and leap on the tail end of it as the cops were in hot pursuit.

Robber: Spider-Man! Yo, get the guns on him!

  The one in the passenger seat takes out a shotgun that you grab by the barrel, breaking it as you web him by the hands then latching him to a light post, sending him flying.

  You leap to the ack of the car, slashing the tires with your claws making the car spin out. You web up the others inside as you grab onto the car, using all your strength to flip it onto it's side, securing it and the robbers inside.

Nocturne: You all comfy? Good, now you guys don't rob anymore or whatever. I really don't care.

  You leap over to the police as you notice Gwen's dad exiting one of the cars.

Nocturne: Caught the bad guys for you again Captain. Off to make everyone's lives easier, bye!

  You didn't give him time to speak his concerns as he just grits his teeth a bit.

Cpt. Stacy: Damn vigilantes. Get them out of that car, secure any weapons they have and secure any stollen items.

  You swing off to another side of New York answering another call.

*Day Two*

  You overlook the alleys as you see a couple guys trying to break into a museum through the back door. Your ear perking up listening to what they were saying.

Robber1: You think anyone's gonna see us?

Robber2: Nah man, we're in the clear. Ain't so sign of the cops or anyone. You got the door?

Robber3: Almost, just gotta-

  You leap down webbing the one with the crowbar to the door. Standing up in front of the others.

Rober1: Spider-Man!?!? S-Shoot him!

  The second robber takes out a gun as you just walk towards him.

Robber2: D-Don't come any closer.

  You take more steps as you can hear his heart beat increasing. You waited until you heard it reach it's peak as you step to the side as the gun goes off, webbing it out of his hands and ebbing the other guy by the face, yanking him down to the floor and webbing him down. Looking at the robber who just tried to shoot you as he raises his hands in the air.

Robber2: I-I surrender.

Nocturne: Good boy.

  You web his hands together as you pin him to the wall and web off as the cops arrive. Swinging by them.

Nocturne: You're welcome!

*Day Three*

  You get slammed against the wall as you dodge a blade hitting the wall. You web the sword out of the mans hands as you pull him towards you, punching him in the face a couple times before picking him up and throwing him back at the others.

  You stand up in front of a group of men that were well armed as you were breathing heavily. They were packing heavier artillery than you were use to, clearly these weren't some randoms on the streets. One of them, a bigger guy, rushes at you as you jump over him, your senses go off, a net wrapping around you.

Goon1: Got him. Looks like that reward is ours for one.

Goon2: We could use him to bait out the other one. Make our jobs a whole lot easier.

  You listened to them as you did recall a bounty being on your head, along with Gwen's. But that reminder only made you require quick thinking. You extend your claws and cut through the net as you lunge at the big guy, pulling your mask down and biting him in the neck surprising the others.

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