Chapter 2: Humble Beginnings

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  The next day at Midtown High, you and Gwen stay close to one another. Luckily your lockers were right next to each other as you can't help but lean over to her.

Y/N: Gwen I've got something to tell you.

Gwen: I do as well, but, I don't really know how to say it.

Y/N: Well you go first. Although I don't think yours can top mine.

Gwen: Okay then, let's tell it at the same time.

Y/N: Okay, three two-

  As you were about to say something else, you hear a ringing in your ears as you look at Gwen. Both of you recoiling from the sense in your head as you can't help but feel a bit more familiar with her.

Gwen & Y/N: You're like me.

Gwen: Can you shoot webs too?

Y/N: Yeah. Do you have the power to stick to surfaces?

Gwen: Do you-

Y/N: Have claws and fangs? Yeah.

Gwen: Jesus Christ. What the hell. . . I think this is because of that Spider at the lab.

Y/N: Well yeah. We were a bit too casual about that. I didn't even think about going to the doctor. Like, who in the universe get's bit by a radioactive spider and doesn't do anything about it?

Gwen: Well when you put it like that, we could have gotten some disease or something. Then live the rest of our lives in ruins. But, what do we do now, just act normal?

Y/N: We weren't really normal at first anyway. We were just a couple of troublemakers which is why your dad doesn't like me.

Gwen: And yours doesn't like me either. But hey, it's whatever. So what-

Flash: Move it Puny Parker!

  You and Gwen turn to see Flash shoving Peter to the side making him fall down and drop all his books and knocking the glasses off of his face. Flash picks them up and puts them on his face.

Flash: Look at these dweeb goggles. Geez you could probably see other galaxies with these.

Peter: Hey, give em back Flash!

  Peter stands up jumping to get his glasses, but Flash just holds onto them as he shoves Peter into the lockers. It was clear that had to hurt, you and Gwen watched the scene happening as you were going to do what you usually did which was nothing. But you looked over at Peter, and let out a sigh as you recall seeing him get bullied by Flash before. There was one point where Flash even shoved you both in the same locker.

  You walk over as Gwen grabs onto your wrist.

Gwen: What are you doing?

Y/N: Gonna save him, what's it look like? I thought you be all for this.

Gwen: I am, but with the way we are now, I think you might kill him. On my way to school I ripped the door off of it's hinges with what felt like minimal effort. One punch from us could probably break bones, or do worse.

  You think it over but then you hear another voice.

M.J.: Leave him alone Flash! He didn't do anything to you so step off!

  You turn over to see the feisty red head herself. The girl who was always on your mind since you were a freshman. Mary Jane Wattson.

 Mary Jane Wattson

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