Chapter 28: The King

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  As you set out to Osorp to fight the threat there, Gwen sat in her room hugging her pillow and just staring at her drum set across the room. She still as a bit sore from reading your journal, and for the past few days she hasn't really been talking to anyone much. She manages to hide it well with her father. But not anyone else really.

  She hears a knocking at her window as she weakly looks up from her bed to see it opening. She sees Elizabeth and Wanda creeping in as she puts on a light smile.

Elizabeth: Hey Gwen. How are you feeling.

Gwen: Been better. hen did you two stat hanging out?

Wanda: Shortly after e bumped into each other a couple days ago. 

  Elizabeth rushes over, hugging Gwen tightly as Gwen leans into her embrace.

Elizabeth: You're still not talking to each other?

Gwen: He's been calling. I just can't bare to answer.

Wanda: You should speak to him. After all, as much as I hate to admit it, it was my fault all this happened. I'd rather not hurt him this way because I got you all up in your feels. . . and. . . I guess I don't want you moping around either.

Elizabeth: Yeah. Besides if anyone can understand (Y/N) it's me. We have a psychic link after all. He does have dark thoughts, but I can always feel what he feels, and vice versa. He cares about you Gwen, he cares about so many people, but he doesn't want to let anyone down. Besides, we mutants gotta stick together.

Wanda: She's not a mutant. She's a mutate. There's a difference. But still, she's, god what has hanging around (Y/N) done to me.

  Wanda coughs as she tries to form the words in a proper way without sounding too sappy. Since hanging around you has made her feel one emotion she never thought she would be infested with. Empathy.

Wanda: She's right. So you know. Woo, go team or whatever you guys say.

Gwen: But I'd rather not hurt him anymore. It's clear he doesn't ant me around.

Wanda: Dude, he as just blowing up your phone for the past few days. If anything, you're doing more harm staying away from him than you are doing. . . whatever the hell all this shit is.

Elizabeth: Trust me. (Y/N) is a complicated creature. If you try to understand him emotionally, you're gonna get confused unless you have a blueprint on how his brain works.

  Gwen sits up as she wipes her eyes a bit. Going over and hugging the two of them.

Wanda: H-HEY! This isn't a thing, we still aren't friends!

Gwen: So what, is (Y/N) the only one who get's to hug you?

Wanda: Yes- I MEAN NO! S-Shut up!

  Wanda crosses her arms as her face flush as red as her outfit. As Gwen snaps to her senses, Elizabeth feels a sharp pain in her head. Holding it tightly as she hunches over in pain.

Elizabeth: GAH!

  Gwen notices as she rushes to her side to see what's wrong. But Elizabeth grit her teeth as she hears faint words in her head. Forcing a stream of tears down her cheeks as they echo in her mind, she could feel it. The pain.

"Elizabeth. . . I love you."

Elizabeth: He's in trouble.

Wanda: What?

   Elizabeth frantically stands to her feet as she grabs onto Gwen, staring her in the eyes.

Elizabeth: I-I don't know but I could feel it! IT as (Y/N)! He's dying! He-He's dying out there in Ne York!

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