Chapter 4: Younger Sister Zi Xuan

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{Note: all Attribute will change except charm as the Host system leve up.}
Charm:       93/100
Health:       51(+5)/100
Wisdom:    63/100
Strength:    25(+7)/100
Agility:        22/100
Power:        24+(5)/100
Spirit:         76/100
Luck:          65/100

Unalloted Attribute: 30]

"System, Please add 10pts each on Health, Strength and Power."


{Note: all Attribute will change except charm as the Host system leve up.}
Charm:         93/100
Health:         56(+10)/100
Wisdom:      63/100
Strength:      32(+10)/100
Agility:          22/100
Power:          29+(10)/100
Spirit:            76/100
Luck:             65/100

Unalloted Attribute: 0]

"Thank You System." ^_^

[Its my pleasure Host]

"Ohh! I still have 5 personal Skills level up Coupon. Please Level Up my English Language and Computer skills twice and Sales Marketing once. Thank you so much System." ^_^


[Congratulations to Host for leveling the skills..
English Language-Lv4 (+2)
Computer skills-Lv3 (+2)
Sales Marketing-Lv4 (+1)]

"Now, System to clarify things about Leveling, I only need to spend money to gain experience points to level up both of my system and cultivation and once I level up, I will also gain Divine power to increase my Authorization Power. So, I can start whenever I want right?"

[Yes, Host.]

"I can also use now the double consumption rebate coupon and there is no need to care about the means of my money as long as it comes to the system, am I right?"

[Yes, Host.]

"Good! Good! For now, my first goal is to level up my system. Although 1 yuan per second can give me 86,400 yuan a day, Its' not bad to have additional yuan per second and I believe the system will not harm me, especially my family, right?"

[Yes, Host. You can rest assured that the only purpose of the system is for the well being of the Host]

"Thank You System." ^_^

[Its my pleasure Host]

Knock! Knock!

"Older Brother?"

"Yes, Zi Xuan. What's this handsome older brother of yours' can do for you?"

"hmph!! nahh!! handsome?? where?? where??" she asked while looking around my room and rolled her eyes at me.

"hahaha ^_^v, What do you need Zi Xuan?"

She walk and sit beside me while fidgeting if she should say the words.

"Ahm., Older Brother., Well.."

"Yes?" -_-

She sighed and said,

"Older brother, our rice and vegetables are only good for todays lunch." She put her small white hand on her pocket to get something and put her hand on top of my hand that resting beside her.

"I still have 250 yuan here, Older brother you can use it to add for the meal expenses." she said while smiling sweetly at me.

I raised my hand and said,

"I appreciate your concern Younger Sister Zi Xuan but no need, I can still support this family. Trust me!"

"No Brother! I don't need the money for now." She said while shaking her head.

"Afterall, We are on vacation, So will you please accept the little help that I can offer, even just for now? Please Older brother! I also want to share your responsibility in this family!" (╥_╥)

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