Chapter 10: Dog-eat-dog Society

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"Hey! Fatty Zheng! Stop that! Why are you acting like that? Its' me, you know? No need to be shy. My siblings were inside the house, no one will see you crying yourself out. So, if you want to cry, then just cry, even though its' not a beautiful scenery to see. ^_^v just kidding!" I patted his shoulder and joked at him.

But Fatty Zheng only looked at me and said, "Brother Yi!" (╥_╥)

"Just cry Fatty Zheng! I know that crying is not a boys things but crying once in a while is not bad. We're also a human that capable of feeling hurt, so its' normal for us to cry when the situation are not on our favor." I smiled at him sincerely and get up to my sit to give him a bro hug. He looked so puzzled so I said,

"Don't get me wrong Fatty Zheng! Im not into man, Im just returning the same hug you gave me 2 years ago, You know at that time." I smiled at him and he nodded while accepting the hug and cry like a big baby.

Fatty Zheng only looked strong but inside, he is a crybaby.

"You know Fatty Zheng! Love is really like that, very unpredictable. But well, Love is War, and some woman nowadays will prioritize reality over fantasy."

"We can't judge them because it's what the society makes them to be. Because based on our society now, It's really hard to live as a woman, all kinds of oppression is possible. Like us men, they also wants to have a happy love life but when their needs can't be meet, what choice do they have?"

"Its' good if you don't have a family members to take care off but what if's you have a family to feed? and your ex belongs to the latter, do you still prioritize your lovelife over your family's hungry stomach? Afterall, its now a dog-eat-dog society. It's hard to live without money on your pocket and no foods on your table."

Fatty Zheng let go of me after listening to my words and said with grievance on his voice, "But Brother Yi, I did all I can do to give her a comfortable life while helping her with her responsibility to her family!"

"Yes! You did all your best and Im proud of you there Fatty Zheng but you know, living in the Capital is very different. Life here in our village is more simple and luxurious things are more cheaper. In contrary, the Capital luxurious life can make any women's mind full of thoughts or can make them changed from good to bad. I think that she was a good example of the latter." ^_^v

"Is that enough reason to cheat on me, Brother Yi? I accepted her when no ones in our village wants her and our relationship were okay at that time before she know that guy!"

"Maybe, She really was grateful to you that time for accepting her flaws that's why your relationship lasted for 3 years but like what I said its' so much easy to live a life without any money problem than to live a life without money."

Fatty Zheng nodded and said, "Your right! Brother Yi! But is it really necessary to tell me that I should compensate her for her youth loss? How about me? I also loss my youth to her. Hmph!"

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