Chapter 6: Level 1

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"Woah! Its' late!"

"Zi Xuan will get mad at me. We left home @ 10:11am and we still not coming back." I said while I pick up and hug Zi Hao and run to the rice dealer and still talking with Fatty Zheng who also running along with me. ^_^'

After 3 - 4mins of running. I put Zi Hao down and let Fatty Zheng hold hands with him and wait for me to finish my shopping.

"Goodmorning, Uncle Ming!"

I point my finger on the rice that cost 268 yuan per sack and said,

"Uncle Ming, 1 sack of this please!"

"Thank you Yi Chen." ^_^

After buying 2 sacks of rice, I went to Auntie Liu to buy some of the ff.
vegetables - 34.14, 2 dozens of eggs - 11.28, fruits - 37.8, 4L of milk - 39.36,
1kg of cheese - 101 and I also bought 3kg of Chicken breast - 39 and I also bought 2kg of meat - 160.4 with a total of 422.98 yuan.

Before meeting with Zi Hao and Fatty Zheng I thanked Auntie Liu first.

Im still short of 309.02, What to buy? ahhh!! right I will ask Fatty Zheng to drink later at night.

"Hey Fatty Zheng, let's drink tonight to catch up with each other?"

"Sure. Brother Yi. Don't commute brother just go home with me. My car is outside." he put Zi Hao down and help me with the goods.

"Thank you for helping, Fatty Zheng let's stop at the Jingyingfa Lifestyle convenience store to buy some drinks and also lets have lunch together at home, afterall Zi Xuan cooking is delicious."


[Congratulations to Host for Leveling to Level 1. System money: 2 yuan per second; reward: Ownership of Sakura Garden Apartment. {all documents and 15 keys are already in the system inventory. No need to go to the apartment because all formalities are done by the system. Bonus: The caretaker will have 100% loyalty to the Host.}]


[Congratulations to Host for a reasonable spending of 1000 yuan to level up. reward: God-level all-cure-pill-3x Note: Host can exchange the God-level all-cure-pill 1pc for 10pcs of small all-cure-pill (10% effect) or for 5pcs of medium all-cure-pill (20% effect) to minimize the effect of the God-level all-cure-pill.]

After paying the Cashier for 410.03 yuan worth of drinks and daily utilities at home, the system notifications rang on my head. 2yuan per second; then I will have 120 yuan for a minute - 7200 for an hour and a full of 172,800 for a day.

That's my salary for a whole year working nonstop. That's awesome System. Aside from the 2 yuan reward for level up, I also get an apartment near the school of my siblings and 3pcs of God-level all-cure-pill and its' convertible to small and medium pill? I can cure my parents now without anyone doubting us. (╥_╥)

"Thank you so much System!" ^_^

[Its my pleasure Host]

At this moment the Cashier keeps waving her hand at my face and called me,

"Sir? Are you okay? Here's your receipt and goods." she smiled while passing it to me.

"Ah! Im okay! Thank you!" as I said to her and accept the receipt and goods. I go to the pair of small and tall Boy in the front door and said,

"Lets go! the little girls at home are waiting!"

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