Chapter 32: Baoding XinZheng Hospital

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Before I start to check the System Achievement today, my phone's ringtone suddenly rang and when I looked whose the person that will call me when its' already 10pm in the evening. I was shocked, its' Fatty Zheng, so I received the call and said,

"Hey! Whats' up! Fatty Zheng!"

"Brother Yi! Im in the Hospital right now! Can I ask you for a favor?"

"What? Why are you in the hospital, What happened? Sure, what favor?"

"Brother Yi! Huhu!! (╥_╥) ! My sister got stabbed in her stomach and she needs to undergo an immediate operation if not she will die, and the hospital said that we need 100000 yuan for the operation to start. I don't know where to go for help, I am still short of 80000. Its' so late and I'm scared that if I went outside and can't find the money needed faster, my sister will be gone. Can you please, lend me 70000 Brother Yi, I promise, I will pay it to you, we just need it badly."

"Send me your account Fatty Zheng, I will transfer the money to you now and where hospital are you?"

"Thank you so much Brother Yi! We are in Baoding XinZheng Hospital. I send the account in your chatme Brother Yi!"

"Okay. Tell the doctor to start the operation now! Its' better to save a life than to build a seven level pagoda. I'll transfer the money after this call."

"Okay, Brother Yi Bye!"

"Bye! Fatty Zheng! Stay Strong!"

After Fatty Zheng ended the call. I went to my chatme account and saw the account of Fatty Zheng and send 150000 directly at his account. Then I prepare to go to the Hospital, Fatty Zheng needs someone by his side so I decided that I will be that someone.

Before going out of my room and went to my parents room, I put my hoody first and get 2 new smartphones in the table and asked the system for a favor.

"System, please extract 2 Fairy Ring and 2 Fairy Necklace and customized it  according to my Father and Mother 4 Zodiacs like what you did to mine and my siblings fairy ring and necklace."


[Successfully extracted: 2pcs of Customized Fairy Ring and 2pcs of Customized Fairy Necklace and already put at Host hoody's right pocket.]

"Thank You System!" ^_^

[Its my pleasure Host]

I knocked at the door of my parents and like what I expect they were still awake and talking to each other! So, I walk inside and stop near their bed and said,

"Father, Mother, I need to go out and go to the Hospital! Fatty Zhengs' sister got stabbed in her stomach and needs to have an immediate operation. I just go to support Fatty Zheng and his Family!"

"What? Why? Who stabbed her?" Mother asked.

"I don't know the details because Fatty Zheng was crying when he called me just now, so I need to go there to know the story. Here! Father, Mother, this is for you both." and I give them each a pair of Fairy Ring and Fairy Necklace like what I give to my siblings in the morning.

"I want you both to wear it before I go out the house. It can protect you for my place so please wear it Father and Mother."

My parents only looked at me wryly but did not say anything and wear both their ring and necklace.

Mother took a glance at the ring and necklace then looked at me  and said, "Its' beautiful son!, take care in going out okay? Its' already late but the child Zheng needs you, so, I reluctantly let you go. just make sure to take care of your safety outside!"

"Thanks Mother!" and I looked at Father and he only nodded in response.

"Take care and tell the child Zhengs' Old man, to stay strong, her daughter needs him and everything will be okay."

"Okay Father, I tell uncle and auntie, Bye Father and Mother."

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