Chapter 15: Nice Profile!

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"System, Sign-In!"


[Congratulations to Host for signing (1.) small breast enhancer pill - 10x, (2.) 2,500 yuan.]

"Wa..wait? Breast enhancer pill? What the ****! Where in the world I can use it?"


Well! Let it be! There should be a use in the near future. ^_^v Let my future daughter-in-laws use it. Afterall, the system plans to let me have a harem. Hahaha

"Thank You System!" ^_^

[Its my pleasure Host]

As I thanked the system the notification from BCCB came.

{Your Bank Account **2536 received 2,500.00 yuan from **6720. Total Account Balanced 176,825.99 yuan. Noticed from Baoding China Construction Bank.}

After I signed in, I looked at my wristwatch, it's 10:45am. There's still 20 mins before Fatty Zheng come. I think I should see my character profile first.

"System, please show my Character Profile."


[Character Profile:
Name: Li Yi Chen
Age: 23 years old
Race: Human
Citizen: Mazhuang Village Lianchi District Baoding Hebei China
Wealth: 176,825.99yuan

Authorization Power Lv: 0(mortal)
Experience points: 20/100DP {Note: Every Lv Up will give the Host 10 divine power (Convertible into cash; -1DP : +10000yuan}

System Level: 1
Experience points: 101.01/5000 yuan {Note: every Level up, the experience points will *5}

System Money:
[every second - 2 yuan]
{Note: the money depends on the Host Level (plus 1yuan/Level up), the total money will be given every 7:00am in the morning and if the Host level up before 5pm the money of the latter level will be consider.}

Cultivation Level: 1 (1st Level of Body Tempering)
Experience points: 0/200 aura
{Note: every 100yuan consume will get 10aura; Level 1 - 5 levels of Body tempering - 1st Level (200 aura) - 5th level (1000aura) and so on.}

{Note: all Attribute will change except charm as the Host system level up.)
Charm: 94/100
Health: 166/200
Wisdom: 163/200
Strength: 142/200
Agility: 122/200
Power: 139/200
Spirit: 176/200
Luck: 165/200

Unalloted Attribute: 0]

Skills: Personal Skills
English Language-Lv6

Sales Marketing-Lv5
Appraisal Skill -Lv2

System Skills:
Daily task (the daily task depends on the Host level, the task should be complete before the day ends.) {first daily task - Lv1
morning jog 10 mins - 100 yuan & 10 attributes pts
push up 30x - 300 yuan & 30 attributes pts
lifting 10kg - 100 yuan & 10 attributes pts
Note: the money will be given every 7:00am in the morning, time limit; before the day ends.}

2x (plus 1 every 5 levels)
{everyday the Host can sign-In, the rewards are random}

Check-In 1x (unlocked @ Lv4)
Double Consumption Rebates (unlocked @ Lv4)
Face Slap (Unlocked @ Lv4)
Goddess Love (unlocked @ Lv5)
Lottery (unlocked @ Lv 5)
Mall (1st mall unlocked @ Lv5)

System Inventory:
small body strengthening -10x
small beauty pill -10x
small memory enhancer pill -10x
small body tempering pill -10x
small breast enhancer pill -10x
medium all-cure-pill -3x
God-level all-cure-pill -2x
Sakura Garden Apartment -1x
Centurion Card -1x
double consumption rebate coupon -1x ]

Nice Profile! ^_^ There's a lot of things on my inventory. I should give some to my family.

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