Chapter 43: You're already tired?

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"Wahhh! Huhu! Older Brother! Can we stop our shopping? Both of my feet hurts a lot now." Zi Hao said while rubbing his eyes from wiping his tears.

"Hmfh! It's only our 5th Store Little HaoHao! You're already tired? You're so weak little HaoHao." Xiu Jing said jokingly and looked at Zi Hao who is sitting with our parents at the customer's resting area of Patec Fillipes Flagship Store.

"Xiu Jing! What's your attitude to your younger brother!" Mother said with reprimanding look.

"Hahaha! Relax Mother! Xiu Jing is only joking with Little HaoHao! Right? Xiu Jing?" I said and sat beside Father while waiting for the Shopping guide to process the payment for the watch we purchase.

"Of Course! Older Brother is right. Im only joking with Little HaoHao. I Love Little HaoHao so much Mother! I can't be angry with him, You know!" She said and hugged Little HaoHao while giving him kisses all over his face.

Little HaoHao giggled and said,

"HahaHa!! Enough! Enough! Older Sister! I love you too. Stop Kissing me please, It tickles."

"Well, as the last child said, Im feeling tired too on this non-stop shopping. We should really stop Now!" Father also said and hold my Mothers' hand while giving Us a look, 'Let's stop shopping!'.


"Im sorry Guys! My Stomach is hungry! Hehe!" Xiu Lan said embarrassedly.

"Hahahaha!!!" (7x) We all laughed at while looking at Xiu Lan embarrassed face.

"Well, It's fine to stop shopping afterall, The 2 hours is almost done. Let's finish our business here and Let's eat at the restaurant in the 2nd floor."

As I talked to them the Shopping guide walked over Us with, of course, with her Manager too.

"Im sorry for the delay, Mr. Li! this is your Card and this is the receipt for 6 Patec Fillippes Women's Watch that costs 7414800 yuan, 3 Patec Fillippes Men's Watch for 4057500 and 1052300 for Patec Fillippes Kid's Watch. The total expenses is 12,524,600."

The Manager looked at the Shopping guide before continuing her speech,

"Like what you requested, the 8000 discount that I should give you for this purchase will be given to the Shopping guide that assist you. Thank you for your generous purchase. This is our stores' VIP Card and My Number Card, I will be honored to received your inquiries about our items."

I looked at the VIP Card and Number Card and said,

"Thank You for your hard work Manager He. I will contact you if we have inquiries in the future. Thank you!"

"Grrrruuu!!!!" (4x) The Triplets and Zi Hao' stomach.

Woahhh!! I looked at the source of the sound and saw that Xiu Jing was hiding her face on our Fathers' back, while Xiu Ying and Xiu Lan moved their long silky black hair in their faces and Zi Hao just hugged our Mother. I want to laughed at the scenery but before I did Zi Xuan already talked to me.

"Let's Go to the restaurant Now! Older Brother! Im so hungry that I think I can eat a dozen serving of foods alone." Zi Xuan jokes and Hold the hand of Xiu Ying and Xiu Lan and walked.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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