Chapter 26: Old Man

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Girls really are born to like beautiful things, and to think my younger sisters who I thought likes to be simple girls, are no exemption.

Once again, as I look to their happy and excited faces while comparing their things to each other, I felt like my soul is fluttering and an endless joy surrounds my heart.

So, this is the happiness of having a family. Not like on my past life, Im just a lonely orphan whose existence are not recognized by the world itself.

"Older Brother, How about Father and Mother? Do they have one too? If there's none, I can share my things to them." Zi Hao said while pulling my shirt.

This little boy is really sensible, always asking for the well being of others. Im so lucky to be his Older Brother.

"Of course! Father and Mother have their own fill. Do you think that Is it possible this Older Brother will forget our parents when I have good things?"

"No, no I think Older Brother always think of our parents and even us. But why do you not give it to them?"

"haha! No need to be so serious. I will give them later after we are done in our exercise. Clap! Clap! Okay! All ears to me now! like what I said a while ago, no words outside,okay?"

"Now! I will give each of you a sets of pills that will be good for your body, no need to be scared, it will not harm your body in any way."

"Here! Take this white pill (memory enhancer pill) first and sit crossed leg on the ground after 2mins eat the brown pill (body strengthening pill) then after another 3mins eat the third red pill (body tempering pill) then stay on crossed-leg and close your eyes to meditate for another 10mins."

"Is my instruction Clear?"

"Clear Sir!"

"Okay, If its clear, lets start! Eat the white pill now and sit crossed-leg on the ground."

Each of them start to eat and do what I told them and I also do it like them, After taking the first pill, 2mins pass and I command them, "Eat the brown pill now, stay crossed-leg and wait for my next command!".

After 3mins from eating the second pill I talked again, "Eat the last red pill and close your eyes while still doing crossed-leg and meditate for 10mins."

They followed my command and do meditation. I also start to meditate to absorb the pill on my body and I really am thankful that taking pill do not need to be so hurtful like what I read on novels in my past life. Otherwise I can't let my siblings take it, Afterall I can't bear to see them hurting even if its' good for them.

"Wow! Older Brother! What did this 3 pills for? After taking them and meditate for a short time I feel that I am full of energy through out my body. Why is that?" Xiu Jing asked excitedly after she finished her meditation.

"You're too observant Little Girl. This pills were made from different rare herbal plants and made in ancient family. That's all I know from the old man in the street who sell it to me when I went to buy medicine for our parents!" its' the story I made up to not cause any problem in the future.

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