Chapter 29: Ringtone

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Beep! Beep!

When I heard the horn of a Car, I immediately go outside of our house and bring my ID and Bank card with me.

"Good Afternoon Sir Li! Sorry for the delay! Here are the items you ordered to Us, Please check the items Sir!"

"No need to check! Is the installer here? They can start to install now the items that needs to be install. This is my ID and Bank card. Swipe the card, password 244565."

"Thank you Sir! The total amount is
21,575 and as a thank you I will discount the 575."

"No need for discount, just help me bring the items inside the house." and I smiled at her.

"Ahh! ok, Sir, here is your card and ID also the receipt."

"Thank you! Will the installation start?"

"Yes Sir! where in the house the portable air condition will be put?"

"Lets go inside and I will show you where to put it!" and I lead them inside the house.

I give them instruction and lead them to the three rooms and the living room where they will put the portable air condition and also the 55in. Led tv and the refrigerator.

The whole process only last for an hour and they bid farewell after giving some do's and dont's.

After closing the door of our house and locked it. I walked towards the back garden.

"Older Brother! The swimming pool is ready. Can we swim now?" Zi Hao asked excitedly while looking to the pool.

"Sure! Lets' Go!" and I lift my left foot to step inside the swimming pool when Zi Xuan shouts.

"Older Brother Wait! What are you doing?"

"What do you mean by what Im doing? Of course to go inside the swimming pool. Is it not obvious?

"What? You will just go inside the pool without cleaning your body and changing your clothes?"

"Huh? Is there any problem with that?"

"Eww! Older Brother Your so gross! Can't you see that we girls clean our body first and we change to new clothes before we go inside the pool?" Zi Xuan said disgustingly while she looked at me.

"Yeah! Older Sister is right! You and Little Haohao should change to new clothes before coming here or else we girls will not allow you inside the pool." Xiu Ying seconded.

"Yeah! Yeah!" Xiu Lan and Xiu Jing nodded in unison.

"You guys! Fine, we will wash and change our clothes inside the house first before coming back here! Hmph! Clean freak!" I snorted and hold Zi Hao to run.

"Older Brother! Were not freak! 4x

Aghhhhh! I slamped my body on the sofa and sat properly after 5mins of laying.

My body feels lighter after playing in the swimming pool with my siblings until 5pm. I no longer feel the hot weather of the day.

I looked at Xiu Ying who intently watching the drama on our new 55in. led tv. and said,

"Xiu Ying, I want to drink the fruit juice you make. Can I?"

Xiu Ying looked at me and smiled before standing up.

"Sure Older Brother! Its' better to drink fruit juice."

"Thank You, Xiu Ying!"

While waiting for Xiu Ying, I heard a weird ringtone.

"Kring! Kring! (3x) 1,2,3 Lets' Go! Older Brother is a pig! Older Brother is a pig! Who is the pig? Older Brother is the pig!"


"What the ****!"

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