Chapter 16: Congratulations!

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Beep! (2x)

"Good Morning Fatty Zheng! Thank you for the free ride!"

"Good Morning Brother Yi! Nah! small thing!"

After the greetings with Fatty Zheng, I also bid farewell to my siblings and said,

"What do you guys like for dinner? Just send it to me later! Okay? Take care of our parents! I'll be back!"

I hopped on Fatty Zhengs' car and waved at my siblings,

"Lets' go to Ruijing Snacks first Fatty Zheng. I will give my resignation letter to Manager Wang."

"Okay! Let's go Brother Yi!" he closed the car window and step in the accelerator.

After 15mins of driving, We came on the snacks store!

I came down to the car and went inside the store and see that there's someone in the stores' counter, so I walked and saw that the girl is a new face, so I asked, "Good morning Beauty, Is Ms. Wang inside?"

I saw the girl on the counter looked at me gasped for an air and left open her mouth while silently drools but she immediately wipe her mouth clean and answer me, "Ahm! Sir! Do you have an appointment with Ms. Wang?"

"Ahh! No! but If she's inside Please, inform her that Li Yi Chen is here. Thank you, Beauty!" I said and smile at her.

The girl nodded and make a call, after a short talk on the phone, the girl looked at me, point her finger on a room and said, "You can now go to Ms. Wangs' office. She's waiting inside."

"Thank you, Beauty!"

After I came inside Ms. Wang's office, I greet her first and give my resignation letter. Like the girl on the counter, Ms. Wang also slightly taken aback. She coughed once and accept the resignation letter and without any question, she only read it and signed it afterwards.

"Your last pay will be given to your account after a week. Thank you for working with us! I wish you an advance happy graduation!" she said and smiled at me.

I bowed at her and reply, "Thank you Ms. Wang!"

I bid farewell to Ms. Wang and go out of her office. I walked and passed from the counter girl but before I go out, I thanked her first.

As I put my seatbelt, Fatty Zheng asked me, "Is resigning from work that easy? Why are you so fast?".

I patted his shoulder and said,

"No! Its' not easy Fatty Zheng, you need to have a face like me to finish all the process early! Its' hard to be handsome! Hahaha!" ^_^v

Fatty Zheng only sneered at me and punch my shoulder lightly.

"Let's go to the University Fatty Zheng!"

We arrived at the Baoding Hebei University - Finance.

Fatty Zheng walked with me to the Deans' Office. I knocked once when I heard someone say, "Please, Come In."

I open the door and walked inside with Fatty Zheng beside me.

"Good Morning Dean!" (2x)

"Here's my RLOA slip Dean."

The dean only looked up slightly, smiled, accept the slip and said, "Please, Sit down. Make yourself comfortable!"

"Thank you Dean!" ^_^

The dean read my RLOA and check my records and give my RLOA slip a stamped that says Accepted! 

"Congratulations! Mr. Li for your re-admission to 4th year in B.H. University-Finance this coming school year!"

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