Chapter 13: RLOA

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"Thank you! Fatty Zheng for drinking with me! Lets' drink again when we have time!" I said and make a fist bump.

"I should be the one to say thank you Brother Yi! Afterall, you let me eat in your house for two meals and listen to my problems. Thank You so much Brother Yi! Next time, its' my treat!" Fatty Zheng said and bumped his fist at mine.

"Its' nothing! We're brothers you know! Take care in going home. Okay? Drive your car slowly. Its' already 10pm, so be extra careful!" I waved to him and step backward.

Before going inside his car, Fatty Zheng asked me,

"Are you really not going to the class reunion?"

I shake my head and reply,

"No, because I don't want to see someone sad when I suddenly came to the party!" ^_^v

"Okay! But there's still 2 days before the reunion, so if you change your mind, just tell me Brother Yi!" he said and sit to the driver's seat and start his car!

"Bye! Brother Yi! See you tomorrow!" He waved his hand and start to drive his car away and I just nodded at him.

When I can no longer see the tail light of Fatty Zhengs' car, I started walking inside the house and after checking that the triplets and little Zi Hao we're already asleep, I walked to the back garden and cleaned the mess that we left after drinking.

As I bring the used utensils in the kitchen to wash them, I saw Zi Xuan walk out from our parents bedroom.

"Let me do it Older Brother! You should rest first!" she get the plate from my hand and starts to wash the plates and glasses.

"Thank you Zi Xuan for taking care of us, you've work hard today!" I said while patting her head.

"ahm! Older brother! Are you really going to finish your study?" Zi Xuan asked me with expectant eyes.

"ohh! Your listening to our conversation?" I teased her.

"Im not Older Brother! I just heard it when I go to check if you still have snacks!" She said while bowing her head.

I saw her ear and nape blushed, So I continue to teased her, "Its' a bad habit to have Zi Xuan!"

"Brother! I don't have that habit!" she shout at me and looked defeated!

"Hahaha! Well, Im just teasing you little girl! Yes! I plan to finish my study, I already contacted the dean and she said I just need to bring my RLOA at the University until 5pm tomorrow and Fatty Zheng said that he will give me a ride." I smiled at her.

"That's good! Im on my 3rd year and you are 4th year this coming school year! What time are you going Older Brother?"

"Ahm! at 1pm but I need to prepare early because I will give my resignation letter first to my Manager at work."

"Okay! Older Brother! I will wake you up at 8am tomorrow!"

"No! That's to early! atleast quarter to 10am!" I said while giving her an angry look.

"Haha! Okay! Older Brother! You sleep first, I will finish this before going to bed."

"Okay! Thank you again for helping me today Zi Xuan! Go to bed after you're done here! Okay?" I go to my bedroom to get a comfortable clothes and go to the bathroom to clean myself first.


"Its' that my body?"

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