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Element: Earth

Dates: April 20 - May 20

Ruling Planet: Venus

House: 2nd

Quality: Fixed

Lucky Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 12 and 19

Colours: Green, additional colour is brown

Lucky Day: Friday

Flowers/Herbs: Rose and Foxglove

Birth Stone: Emerald

Body Associations: Throat, vocal chords, tonsils and thyroid

Motivations: Security and consistency

Energy: Yin (Feminine)

Key Phrase: "I establish"

Positive Traits: Generous, responsible and patient

Negative Traits: Materialistic, slow, stubborn

Compatibility: Capricorn, Scorpio, Cancer, Virgo and Pisces

Celebrities with your star sign: Elizabeth II, Adele, George Clooney, D. Nightingale and William Shakespeare

Your sign...

Female: A Taurus woman can be recognized through her gentleness and femininity. At home, in the office, or in the way she dresses, she always exudes simplicity while staying elegant. Indeed, these women have specific tastes and styles and are particularly fond of beauty and sophistication. They do not have many friends, but their inner circle is made of trustworthy people. They are reliable confidants. They believe in solidarity and are generous with their loved ones, and are renowned for their wise and pertinent advice when times are rough. Indeed, a Taurus woman is a mature, responsible person with a sense of duty and obligation. This quality is particularly obvious within her family. She is a loving wife, a devoted mother, willing to offer body and soul for the happiness and well-being of her family. This maturity can also be noticed in the quality of her hard work. They are materialistic because they are attached to comfort and are concerned with physical safety and security. Even if they are not particularly fascinated by luxuries, their financial situation is nonetheless of considerable importance to them.

Male: Taurus men are well known for their simplicity. Money and material goods are mainly used for security because they cannot bear the idea of lacking anything. They are not flamboyant; they are humble and modest and can be content with what is essential and strictly necessary. They are great at saving money, and they know how to handle their finances and make good investments. Taurus men are also renowned for their maturity and sense of responsibility. These people take responsibility for their own choices and do not flee from their obligations. They take the time they need to weigh the pros and cons before making any decision. Of a very calm nature, they can prove to be extremely prudent. Even if they like a challenge, this does not make them adventurers who want to rush in headfirst. Patience is a virtue that is natural to them, but it can sometimes be annoying for the people around them. These men are also gifted with great generosity. Even if there are only a handful of people in their inner circle, Taurus men nurture great relationships with their loved ones. These are people you can count on when the going gets tough. Since they put a lot of trust in their loved ones, they can be extremely demanding in their relationships with other people. People who know them are aware that they have certain tried and true ways of doing things, and prefer to follow well-worn paths in their thinking and actions.

As a child: Taurus children prefer to learn what must be done to take care of themselves and others in practical and material ways. They need time to learn and like structure. Any time they transgress or need correcting, it should be done consistently and firmly. Take the time to explain what the problem is and what the proper behavior should be. The Taurus child will form patterns in thinking and behavior that will be very hard to change, so it is important to teach them proper etiquette as soon as possible. The best rule of thumb for learning is to let them apprentice with someone who is an expert or very practiced. They want adults to demonstrate what it takes to be valued, so they can build their own value over time. They can be successful with more structure than most so long as the limits and rules are clear.

As a parent: The Taurus parent prefers to be respected and obeyed; no "back talk". If the situation calls for dealing with a crisis, the Taurus parent will look for a practical solution that has be tried and tested before successfully. Discipline will be enforced consistently and persistently, and they expect children to work to help the family, especially through chores. They engage by having children work with them on tasks.

In friendship: Taurus people are deeply loyal to friendship. They love to build friendships over a lifetime. This sign works best with other earth signs and water signs, which they compliment. Fire and air signs often prove too unstable or unpredictable for them. Since friendships are cultivated carefully, they do not make casual friends. As a result, if you break a Taurus' trust, that will usually be the end of the friendship, forever. They are deeply loyal and will drop anything to get to a friend in need. These people will take you in, but be sure to appreciate their generosity by helping in some way. For Taurus, everyone must contribute.

At work: In the professional field, they are gifted with great perseverance. They are consistent and productive workers who know that even the smallest efforts always pay off in the end. Regardless of the kind of work they pursue, they mostly try to find stability in their careers. A Taurus can try to build their own company, but most of them will be perfectly happy working in large, reliable companies where they will have a chance to blossom in the long term and enjoy steady work. While it is part of traditional astrology to suggest some jobs are Taurus jobs and other jobs belong to other signs, that concept is outdated. Essentially, any sign can do any job, whether the person is a hairdresser, surgeon, stay-at-home parent, fighter pilot, and on and on. Ideally, the person doing the job needs to be able to do the work in alignment with his or her sign. Taurus prefers to be stable, dependable, and consistent when it comes to work and career.

In love: Taurus loves to build lasting relationships over time. They are very sensual lovers and enjoy touch and physical pleasure with their partners. They work hard and enjoy intimacy once they have finished a long day or long week. What makes them so much fun is their passion for pleasure. They want love to endure and know what it takes to be committed and "in it for the long haul".

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