『Compatibility: Taurus x Taurus』

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Compatibility score overall: 85%


- Very patient
- Considerate
- Long term relationships


- Afraid to open up
- Too concentrated on their differences
- Protective


Taurus to Taurus relationships can work; doubling down on security is a preference for this sign. But if they are not aligned, they can find themselves in a stand-off that can last an entire lifetime. If they align, then this couple will be able to weather any storm, have plenty of excess for themselves and those they support, and enjoy a stable, lasting long-term relationship.


When we speak of compatibility between a Taurus and Taurus couple, there is no end to the list of mutual things they share. Thus, when two signs like them get along, it is a connection of a lifetime. They shall spoil each other with immense pampering, gifts, charms, and whatnot. But, with such perfect blissfulness, Taurus-Taurus love can slightly have possessiveness and jealousy mixed in it. So, a feeling of being spied might surround them around the opposite gender. With one of the most growth-giving relationships, Taurus and Taurus love compatibility has no bounds if they realize that their bonding is too good to imperil with small arguments.


With a long-lasting one, Taurus-Taurus friendship is deep and one of the most stable ones. The two shall seek understated easement with the other one, which both can come to trust on. Both of them also invest equally in their friendship which eventually takes their friendship compatibility to another level. Taurus and Taurus friends have immense trust and kindred spirit amongst them. They share a similar viewpoint on life, and in an easy-peasy way, trust their Taurus mate in no time. Thus, Taurus and Taurus friendship compatibility is more or less like chicken soup for each other's soul.

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