『Compatibility: Cancer x Aquarius』

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Compatibility score overall: 27%


- Great communication skills
- Similar approach to life
- Wonderfully compassionate


- Dueling natures
- Tend to withhold information, causing mistrust
- Cancer has a more complex personality


The Cancer-and-Aquarius relationship is not an easy one, since one person operates from the heart and the other from the head. As the "I nurture" sign of the zodiac, Cancer is caring, sympathetic, and compassionate. Aquarius is the "I revolutionize" sign of the zodiac and is social, idealistic, and individualistic. A long-term relationship would take work from both individuals. Both Cancer and Aquarius can be ambitious and determined. They want to get their way, and neither likes to conflict. Cancer can be old-fashioned, attached to tradition and routine, their morals more conservative than progressive. Aquarius, on the other hand, is very modern and likely numbed by routine, yawning at the dull and the boring in which Cancer sometimes finds comfort. Cancer may be intrigued by their Aquarius lover's sense of excitement, but this traditional Crab could get frustrated trying to keep up with this revolutionary's mind. Though Aquarius won't appreciate the possessiveness of a pinching Crab, they could find great comfort in the solid base Cancer provides. Just try to get them to admit it!


When Cancer and Aquarius make a love match, it can be a case of opposites attracting. Cancer takes an emotional approach to life, Aquarius, an offbeat, unconventional approach. While Cancer often retreats into its shell, Aquarius takes every opportunity to be the extrovert, the organizer and party animal. They love to find themselves amongst friends; social settings are simply their thing! If a Cancer and an Aquarius can find a way to combine these qualities in a positive way, they can go anywhere together. Aquarius personas tend to be honest, in a brutal sense. It is not due to a non-caring attitude. Rather, it is their light-hearted approach to life. The Aquarian personality sees no reason to be so serious. This can make the Cancer personality wonder if the Aquarius partner will ever be serious. So how can this combination ever work? Cancer needs to take a breath and calm their inner emotional storms. If the relationship is to work, it will come together of its own accord. No forcing the issue will make it happen. Patience is the key to the Cancer personality. Acceptance of Cancer's emotional mentality will make things easier on Aquarius. If they achieve a balance, it increases Aquarius and Cancer compatibility.


Cancer and Aquarius duo are a pair of odd ducks. The Moon Child has an offbeat sense of humour, while the Water Bearer has an unorthodox view of life. They might view each other as weirdos, which is often the launching pad to their friendship. Cancer looks to the past for their values and beliefs whilst Aquarius rockets ship ahead to the future, playing with Parallel universes and Robot implants. At times, both can get a tad fanatical – Cancer may dabble in fundamentalist religion whilst Aquarius embraces Anarchy and discarding of old conventions – extremism drives a temporary wedge in their friendship – or lands one of them in prison. When they inevitably come back – moderating their beliefs – the friendship is resumed. These signs admire each other's intelligence – opinions are researched – sometimes they are swayed a little by thoroughly articulated evidence

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