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Element: Air

Dates: May 21 - June 20

Ruling Planet: Mercury

House: 3rd

Quality: Mutable

Lucky Numbers: 3, 5, 7, 12, 16, 23 and 39

Colours: Green, additional colours are red, pink, black and white

Lucky Day: Wednesday

Flowers/Herbs: Lavender and Lily of the Valley

Birth Stone: Alexandrite

Body Associations: Arms, lungs, hands and shoulders

Motivations: Learning and interacting

Energy: Yang (Masculine)

Key Phrase: "I communicate"

Positive Traits: Communicative, creative, energetic

Negative Traits: Moody, manipulative, undisciplined

Compatibility: Everyone! (you lucky bastards)

Celebrities with your star sign: Helena Bonham-Carter, Marilyn Monroe, JFK, Johnny Depp, Prince, Natalie Portman

Your sign...

Female: A Gemini woman loves to be socially connected, engaging in large social circles, and keeping tabs on the vast array of information flowing around her. She needs to talk to other people. She wants to dialogue, communicate, and build successful relationships. Sociable and curious by nature, people genuinely like her. A Gemini woman always wants to learn and store data, information she deems useful for later. She does not know how to rest, which can create problems for her health. She is prone to stress and can suffer from various health problems associated with nervous energy and anxiety. Therefore, it is important for her to find downtime to recharge, which is more often a scheduling issue than something she can choose to do of her "own free will". A Gemini woman has the ability to find solutions to any problem. She can quickly go through the pros and cons and pick out the best options or the best decision. But do not count on her to make that decision; she prefers to be the facilitator for others. Because Gemini is so cerebral, it can be hard for them to express their emotions and feelings.

Male: Gemini men are versatile, extremely resourceful, and adaptable. They are very social and can easily associate with people from all walks of life. Highly intelligent, he is curious about everything. Geminis are the eternal students who want to learn about as many different skills and bodies of knowledge as possible. A Gemini man is a fine negotiator. Convincing and persuading are among his most remarkable qualities. With his intelligence, his innate charm, and his capacity to persuade others, Geminis make formidable salesmen and marketeers. Since they prefer to be nimble, depth is not their strong suit, which is why they are especially good at connecting other skilled and learned people together. The Gemini man can be fickle with friends and loved ones since he needs to be stimulated at a level that exceeds what most other signs need for interaction. Therefore, it can be important to set boundaries for him rather than rely on him to do it for himself. He does really well in situations, at jobs, and in relationships where the "outside" or the other person determines the structure and limits of the circumstances.

As a child: Gemini children prefer to learn and interact constantly. They need plenty of stimulation and clear rules for play and social interaction. Any time they transgress or need correcting, explanations will be essential about what the problem is and why it needs correcting in a certain way. Even very young children will want to understand what is going on and what makes a transgression a transgression. The Gemini child will certainly adapt, and they will also bounce back from a reprimand or punishment if it is explained to them. The best rule of thumb for teaching a Gemini is to have a clear understanding of your reasoning as a parent and expect the child to ask lots of questions! If the parent does not explain situations and reactions well enough, the Gemini child will get frustrated and become frustrated to the parent. They will test the consistency and logic in your thinking and are not above testing the waters of manipulation to find out if the parent knows what he or she is talking about or trying to "get one over" on the child.

As a parent: The Gemini parent prefers to share information and knowledge and encourages the child to figure out as much as possible on his or her own. If the situation calls for dealing with a crisis, the Gemini parent will look for information or knowledge that will help resolve the problem. Punishments should be logical and adaptable (one punishment will not fit all situations). When they engage, they will want feedback and communication from the child, which can lead to some very interesting dialogues depending on the age of the child and the situation.

In friendship: As far as friends are concerned, Gemini has a lot of them and is probably the friendliest sign in the Zodiac. Of course, the problem is depth. Many friends mean less time for each friend, but that is the way Gemini operates. Since they enjoy the diversity and want to be stimulated, they can have friends up and down the social scale and across cultures and ethnicities.

At work: For their unconditional love of communication, Gemini would fit in perfectly as commercial people or salespeople, journalists, technicians, and lawyers. However, Gemini-born people can also have great imaginations and creativity, which is why it is not surprising to see them performing as actors or comedians. Truthfully, like all signs they can do any job, but this sign really has the capacity to do any job well because all work involves learning the "language" and knowledge of the job, as well as performing the skills of the job, which Gemini is especially adept at doing when their attention is engaged. While it is part of traditional astrology to suggest some jobs are Gemini jobs and other jobs belong to other signs, that concept is outdated. Essentially, any sign can do any job, whether the person is a hairdresser, surgeon, stay-at-home parent, fighter pilot, and on and on. Ideally, the person doing the job needs to be able to do the work in alignment with his or her sign. Gemini prefers to be social, multi-tasking and networking when it comes to work and career.

In love: Gemini loves to flirt. Like Aries, they are great out of the gate but need regular stimulation to stay interested and committed. It is not to say they cannot have long-term relationships, but multiple relationships, even lovers, are not a problem. Intimacy just presents another area of life where they can learn, and want to learn, variety. What makes them so much fun is their wit and humor. If someone says, I love him or her because he or she "makes them laugh", there is a good chance Gemini energy is strong a lover's design.

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