『Compatibility: Aries x Taurus』

16 1 0

Compatibility score overall: 65%


- Compliment each other
- Affectionate 
- Caring


- Over-protective
- Trust issues
- Different interests


The Aries-and-Taurus interaction is fraught with challenges. As the "I am" sign of the , Aries is independent, face-paced, and likes to take risks. Taurus is the "I establish" sign of the Zodiac and prefers well-worn paths, plodding along, and playing it safe. A long-term relationship (outside parent/child) may happen, but other factors in the chart would be the cause, not the Sun signs.


This romance, love, [REDACTED] combination is problematic but can be vigorous. On just the sexual level, Aries has no problem being [REDACTED], and neither does Taurus. But Taurus does want something long-term in the romance and love departments. If the [REDACTED] is spectacular, and with a Taurus, it often is, then that might be enough to keep Aries coming back. But on the romance and love side, Aries may certainly feel the limits Taurus wants in terms of fidelity and reliability. Not an easy combination to make last, and if it does, Taurus will be carrying the load.


Aries and Taurus friends can have a lifelong friendship so long as they take each other in small doses. What can connect them is their mutual concern about survival, even though they go about the issue very differently. Aries will have no problem "flying by the seat of his or her pants", while Taurus likes to do the same thing repeatedly once he or she finds a successful way of doing something. There can be a lot of "testing of the wills", and Taurus will win most of them by simply outlasting the Aries, and it usually will not take long.

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