
37 2 1

Element: Air

Dates: January 20 - February 18

Ruling Planet: Uranus (Classical: Saturn)

House: 11th

Quality: Fixed

Lucky Numbers: 2, 8, 9, 11, 17, 18, 35

Colours: Aquamarine

Lucky Day: Saturday

Flowers/Herbs: Orchid and Bird of Paradise

Birth Stone: Amethyst

Body Associations: ankles, calves, shins, and circulatory system

Motivations: Networking and Envisioning

Energy: Yang (Masculine)

Key Phrase: "I socialize" (Gemini: HEY! THAT'S MY LINE!!)

Positive Traits: Original, humanitarian, humble

Negative Traits: Unpredictable, unruly, opinionated

Compatibility: Libra, Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius, Leo

Celebrities with your star sign: Shakira, Micheal Jordan, Bella Poarch, IShowSpeed (I'm so sorry), Elizabeth Olsen, Jacksepticeye

Your sign...

Female: With a lively and creative spirit, the Aquarius woman is complex and eccentric. Queen of improvisation, she dreams about changing the world in her own way and does not hesitate to suggest many ideas and innovations. The Aquarius woman cares for humanity. She is an idealist who loves to help everyone who needs it. She can be very optimistic about life, which makes her a joy to be around. She is also enthusiastic, and her good vibrations are very much appreciated by those around her. While she is normally warm and sociable, she can become distant and cold when she finds no interest in a situation or a person. Freedom is very important for the Aquarius woman. She will fight tooth and nail for her independence. Her best qualities are her ingenious mind, her passion for humanity, and her idealism for a better world. Never predictable and always intriguing, this woman will keep your interest, as a friend, romantic partner, employer, or employee.

Male: The Aquarius man symbolizes independence and freedom, which is difficult to define. He is a very creative person, and this is reflected in the way he thinks. Very adept at personal development, his life goal is self-realization so he can become a better member of his community and citizen of the world. The Aquarius man is cerebral, making him sometimes cold and aloof. He has no problem rebelling when he disagrees with a policy, social norm, or authority figure. The Aquarius man is astonishingly wise even though his head is in the clouds. He can be a tender and caring parent or a detached one. Each Aquarius is different. He is determined when he finds an interest and can be especially notable for his ability to find new solutions to old problems. The Aquarius man does not lack imagination and intuition in anything he does. The qualities that make him an exceptional man do not always manifest in real-world results; it is not unusual for the Aquarius man to dream more about doing the work to get results than doing the work and getting results! It can be surprisingly easy for him to elaborate utopian projects that he will never see completed. Even if he does not put his ideas into action, others may run with his innovative and fresh visions. The main strengths of the Aquarius man are his intelligence, his creativity, and his concern for his community and society.

As a child: Aquarius children really go their own way. If there is any sign that will best prove that we enter life with a complete energy map, it is Aquarius. These children are among the most strong-willed and can rival Scorpio or Taurus for intensity and stubbornness. Punishment is tricky, as an Aquarian can easily ignore both the "carrot" and "stick" approach, leaving parents disempowered as to how to guide them. Mostly this sign needs explanations and will respond well if treated as an adult at an early age. The best rule of thumb to help them learn is to let them try and fail until they figure it out or they ask for help. If the parent intervenes before the child is ready for help, it will not go well for anyone. They can be successful with more freedom than most so long as the limits and rules are clear. They can see through any inconsistencies in what is said and what is done, so parents should always be as honest as possible.

As a parent: The Aquarius parent can range from friendly to "hands-off", depending on the Aquarius involved. The child will get to learn how different people have different expectations and what it means to be part of a "tribe". Punishments will reflect what is needed to teach proper etiquette and how to fit in socially. When this parent engages, it will usually involve a group setting or some unusual social opportunity. Aquarius is also comfortable with "parenting by committee".

In friendship: Aquarius is a sign of friendship and community. Aquarians easily make friends across the spectrum of relationships. They can leave a CEO's office and sit down and chat with a homeless person on their way to a political fundraiser. Since Aquarius is all about community, they make friends easily and are good friends to the people they know. Friendships come easily, and they tend to be invited to be a friend more often than they seek out friendships. They are always interesting, visionary, and often quirky in a fun way. They are especially welcome when you need someone who can bring other people to an important celebration, party, or event.

At work: Aquarians make some of the best leaders and employees, especially in large organizations. Their sign is known as the "visionary", which often makes them perfect for the task of helping an organization find its purpose and fit in society. If you need to know why this company or organization exists and how it helps the community, ask an Aquarius employee or leader. They love to know that the work they do is making a difference. In fact, these are the people you should ask to write your mission statement, seek donations or capital investors, and search for new trends and emerging markets. Aquarians make the perfect networkers, trendsetters, and prognosticators; they will see the future possibilities before anyone else. While it is part of traditional astrology to suggest some jobs are Aquarius jobs and other jobs belong to other signs, that concept is outdated. Essentially any sign can do any job, whether the person is a hairdresser, surgeon, stay-at-home parent, fighter pilot, and on and on. Ideally, the person doing the job needs to be able to do the work in alignment with his or her sign. Aquarius prefers to be socializing, envisioning, and team-building when it comes to work and career.

In love: Aquarius is hard to pin down regarding love because they are the sign of "being unique". One Aquarian might be monogamous, while another could be polyamorous, and another would prefer spiritual love over any kind of physical experience. If the match is off, there is no room for adjustment; they seek the "perfect fit". Do not be surprised if they approach love logically and scientifically, meaning your relationship could end up as a life-long experiment, but life-long nonetheless.

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