『Compatibility: Aries x Capricorn』

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Compatibility score overall: 58%


- Balanced
- Mutual enthusiasm
- Both have good communication


- Destructive nature
- Unwilling to change
- Natural enemies


The relationship that Aries and Capricorn share will make you think of two superpowers coming together. They both have a very strong and competitive nature, and together they will climb up any ladder with their stubborn attitude. The same stubbornness and competitiveness might also cause distress with each other. They are the combination of fire and earth signs, and it is observed that they conquer any heights if they are together. But when we consider the differences, it is found that Capricorns are more of a lone wolf while Aries are more outgoing and open. Still, it is not difficult for both of these signs to adapt to each other.


If you ever wish to see people who are poles apart, then Aries and Capricorn could be the showpiece you could glare at. Capricorn is the owner of a calm attitude while Aries, on the other hand, is very outgoing in nature. Though in a way, Aries and Capricorn are two linked signs, but they don't realise it due to the difference in their characters. The Aries is usually in the flashiness of things while Capricorn likes to live their life amidst simplicity. These different traits sometimes become a hindrance for Aries and Capricorn as they can't find mutual ground. The refusal to adjust to the other person's way of life causes unnecessary arguments and friction. Thus it is recommended that the Aries and Capricorn couple find a mutual point where they can agree.


Aries and Capricorn friends probably need to spend limited time together; these signs challenge each other. They would probably do well engaging in athletic games either against each other or on the same team. If they go against each other, it will be the best out of 11! If they play on the same team, they will both want to crush the opponent. They should just never give or seek advice from each other.

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