『Compatibility: Aries x Sagittarius』

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Compatibility score overall: 97% (God DAMNN)

- Like-minded
- Optimistic
- Intense bond


- One eyed view
- Very opinionated
- Loooots of arguments


The Aries-and-Sagittarius interaction is filled with a lot of energy since the rulers Mars and Jupiter are in play. As the "I am" sign of the zodiac, Aries is independent, face-paced, and likes to take risks. Sagittarius is the "I expand" sign of the zodiac, and loves to explore, share, and adventure. A long-term relationship (outside parent/child) can happen so long as the excitement level stays high, which is certainly possible with these two fire signs.


Aries people are very confident and ambitious who possess leadership qualities. Meanwhile, Sagittarius is known for their extroverted, dynamic, social and friendly attitude. The fire and fire compatibility infuses a very deep level of understanding between these two signs forging an excellent Aries and Sagittarius compatibility. In love, the two fire signs hold a reserve of energy and are literally down to share theirs when the other is low on energy. By this, we mean that even when you are not in the mood, the other person will ensure that you are in the mood.


Aries and Sagittarius friends can really have a good time together. In fact, the Aries/Sagittarius dynamic is pretty consistent across all the various relationship combinations. Adventure and newness are the "names of the games" both signs like to play. So, playing them together is just one way of enjoying the experiences even more.

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