『Compatibility: Aries x Leo』

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Compatibility score overall: 92%


- Endless energy
- Intimate lovers
- Sincere


- Egoistic (Of course, this isn't the case for all Leos or Aries')
- Demanding
- Constant fights


The Aries-and-Leo interaction is thrilling. As the "I am" sign of the zodiac, Aries is independent, face-paced, and likes to take risks. Leo is the "I perform" sign of the zodiac, and is romantic, creative, and playful. A long-term relationship (outside parent/child) can happen, so long as both individuals keep the "fires burning bright", which they can do! As is often the case when Aries is involved, the other sign will usually end up doing the "heavy lifting" in the relationship to make it succeed over the long term.


This combination can be hot! The romance, love, and sexuality are burning flames that can be all-consuming if both individuals are not careful. Some moderation would help but may be nowhere to be found in this conflagration. For this reason, a long-term relationship is less likely, but the intensity of what they do share will make other relationships hard to match up. If anything, Leo demanding too much attention can turn Aries off, and Aries not being terribly concerned with showing appreciation all the time can tire of Leo's appreciation needs.


Aries and Leo friends can really have a blast and prove to be troublemakers, hopefully in a positive sense. After all, this is fire on fire friendship. They can be competitive with each other and together, against the world. Boundless energy is available. The "go for it" attitude of Aries and the "I want to shine" attitude of Leo is like a meeting of gasoline and flames. The fire element within makes both the signs wanna be a leader, but there is no competition between the two until the knot of friendship is intact. However, the dent in Leo and Aries' friendship could be the result of Aries' impulsive nature to jump onto things and Leo's unrelenting attitude, which could frustrate Aries.

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