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Element: Fire

Dates: November 22 - December 21

Ruling Planet: Jupiter

House: 9th

Quality: Mutable

Lucky Numbers: 4, 5, 9, 22, 23 and 45

Colours: Red, additional colours are orange and yellow

Lucky Day: Thursday

Flowers/Herbs: Carnation and Foxtail Lily

Birth Stone: Turquoise

Body Associations: Hips, thighs, liver and sciatic nerve

Motivations: Experiencing and Exploring

Energy: Yang (Masculine)

Key Phrase: "I master"

Positive Traits: Honest, fun, generous

Negative Traits: Rebellious, reckless, arrogant

Compatibility: Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Gemini

Celebrities with your star sign: Taylor Swift, Steven Spielberg, Billie Eilish, Samuel L.Jackson, Miley Cyrus, Brad Pitt

Your sign...

Female: Of a curious and active nature, the Sagittarius woman very much likes journeys and discoveries. If it were up to her, she would spend her life exploring the world from one country to another. She is very dynamic and communicates easily with others. She seeks to satisfy her thirst for knowledge and novelty and explores all horizons. Eager for new experiences, she often undertakes several projects at the same time. It is something . That is why she often tends to start something but never ends it. In order to succeed, she must therefore choose a single goal – the most urgent one – and focus on it. The Sagittarius woman is endowed with bewitching charm. People are naturally drawn to her; she is not doing it on purpose. She is often very close to animals, and she has a passion for them that easily turns to devotion. The Sagittarius woman is honest and reliable. She does not hesitate to say what she means, which can unsettle people with low self-confidence. The Sagittarius woman can be spontaneous, especially when a new experience or place to explore is put before her. She loves everything that is new, and her playful side appeals to those around her. Her greatest struggle, and motivation, is her inability to be satisfied.

Male: The Sagittarius man is a very dynamic, enthusiastic, and optimistic person. He is fiery. Ruled by Jupiter, he tends to go to excesses. He loves traveling and is very attached to his freedom and independence. The Sagittarius man always thirsts for knowledge and always wants to explore new places. He can be a very good orator who has no difficulty in captivating his audience thanks to his passion for what he believes in and his desire to be an authority figure or expert. His main enemy: routine. That is why he tends to keep exploring and expanding. He is always looking for novelty, and for a profession that supports his constant need to travel and go on adventures. The impulsive side of a Sagittarius can sometimes become very difficult to live with, especially for those closest to him. It can be difficult for him to settle down or deal with the mundane responsibilities involved in raising a family. He works best with an "administrative assistant" in all areas of his life. His quest for adventure often leads him to engage in unnecessary challenges that could cause problems of some significance. In the professional world, the Sagittarius man wants to be "in the thick of things". He likes to be accomplished and be highly regarded. The main qualities of the Sagittarius man are his natural dynamism, his positive attitude, his spontaneous side, and his taste for change. When he has a strong belief, he also makes an excellent scholar.

As a child: Sagittarius children love to explore and learn, best to keep them tethered to you when they are young, no telling where they will wander off to. They need plenty of help learning how to navigate out in the world because they will want to get out and go as soon and as much as possible. Any time they transgress or need correcting, it should be done with authority and a comprehensive explanation. These children wander into trouble more than they cause it. The best rule of thumb in teaching them is to let them find someone who is a master of a skill or body of knowledge who will let the child apprentice with them. The parent can be the teacher, but they must really know what they are doing or talking about; otherwise, it is best to let the child learn from someone else. These children can excel in or out of school, so long as they have exceptional teachers or a skill they are passionate about.

As a parent: The Sagittarius parent is the consummate teacher and authority figure. They will take children with them on trips and encourage them to learn by getting out into the world. They expect their children to be educated and worldly. Punishments can be elaborate, and great opportunities to teach lessons. When this parent engages, there is likely to be an activity or adventure on the agenda. They love to build memories of exploring the world with their children.

In friendship: Sagittarius people are adventurers and want friends who will go exploring with them. They love to get out and go and want company on their travels. These are the friends that never sit still or want to stay home. So, if you need a friend to get you out of the house and moving around in the world, be sure to have a Sagittarius in your contacts. Friendships come rather easily; these are fun people. But if you cannot keep up or you do not share their beliefs and knowledge, you can quickly get left behind. They want friends who thirst for knowledge, have strong opinions and want to experience the world firsthand. If you want a friendship that really stretches you, then hitch your wagon to a Sagittarius horse and hang on!

At work: Sagittarians make some of the best experts and promoters, especially in large organizations. Their sign is known as the "missionary", which often makes them perfect for getting the word out about a company or organization, as well as the people who can discern the needs of clients and customers. If you need to know how best to promote your business and organization, and to be successful (literally, in the world), then you want a Sagittarius at the helm or giving your leader(s) advice. They love to develop expert knowledge and skill, making them the "go-to" authority on subjects that will lead a company or organization to success. In fact, these are the people you should ask to run your marketing, lead your sales team, or close your deals. Sagittarians make the perfect experts, diplomats, and event planners for an organization; the higher the stakes, the better they perform. While it is part of traditional astrology to suggest some jobs are Sagittarius jobs and other jobs belong to other signs, that concept is outdated. Essentially any sign can do any job, whether the person is a hairdresser, surgeon, stay-at-home parent, fighter pilot, and on and on. Ideally, the person doing the job needs to be able to do the work in alignment with his or her sign. Sagittarius prefers to be exploring, advising, and promoting when it comes to work and career.

In love: Sagittarius loves for love to be an adventure. Shared experiences through travel and exploration form the energetic bindings that they want in a partnership. A long-term relationship works best by being active and engaged out in the world. What makes them so much fun is their passion and desire to rack up experiences with their lover. Grand gestures, lavish experiences, and even some intense, but playful competition will need to be regular occurrences to make a long-term relationship work.

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