『Compatibility: Leo x Sagittarius』

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Compatibility score overall: 94%


- Energetic nature
- Possible dating compatibility
- Great deal of trust


- Leo's spontaneity can make the other partner sour
- Might be difficult accommodating personalities
- Dissimilar interests


The Leo-and-Sagittarius relationship is a fun and exciting one if the egos do not get out of hand! As the "I perform" sign of the zodiac, Leo is competitive, playful, and confident. Sagittarius is the "I expand" sign of the zodiac, and loves to explore, share, and adventure. This couple is full of life and fun to be around, with each person encouraging the other to aim high! Sagittarius's philosophical tendency warrants a distraction to Leo's obsession with the larger-than-life. The two will have genuine admiration and respect for one another. Both are warm, charismatic and charming; people enjoy being in the energy this couple radiates. A long-term relationship is very likely since both will enjoy feeding off the energy of the other. Both signs have no problem taking center stage; the stage just needs to be big enough to accommodate them.


The spectacle that a Leo and Sagittarius couple can put up in their own, as well as other's lives, can be likened to fireworks. Leo is one of the most energetic signs in the zodiac with fire as its element which further gives them the passion and zeal that they carry over to their relationships. Sagittarius, on the other hand, is the epitome of a free spirit whose element is also fire. Together, they form a dynamic and fun-loving couple who can make all other signs envious of the greatness of the Leo and Sagittarius love compatibility. With both signs' elements being fire, they might experience the occasional impatience and intolerance of each other's grandeur. But, they will also exhibit endurance. Their high energy will almost always be welcome by each other and it is one of the numerous things that fuel a Leo-Sagittarius love life. Further, both Leo and Sagittarius love to be in each other's company because there are not too many people who can bear their high energies all the time. They are also outgoing and charismatic which further allows them to lift the mood in almost any environment.


In a Leo-Sagittarius friendship, there is a lot of heat. Both of them share the same element of fire which also means that they share the same masculine energy. However, Sagittarius, being a mutable sign, can transform this heat into warmth. Due to this, Leo and Sagittarius friends can understand each other without having to exchange words. They are fundamentally a good combination who are extremely similar in their personalities. Leo is also ruled by the Sun which ignites passion in the hearts of a Leo and Sagittarius couple as well. This passion can then be explored and heightened by the Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius. Their high energy enables them to be motivated in their work which is a good thing, but sometimes, they can end up overworking themselves. Further, in a Leo and Sagittarius friendship, Sagittarius, being a mutable sign, can offer understanding to the adamant Leo. Leo, in turn, benefits Sagittarius by teaching them to be more charming and impactful. There is a chance that Leo might become overbearing for Sagittarius at times, but they will always remain loyal to each other.

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