『Compatibility: Taurus x Leo』

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Compatibility score overall: 64%


- Great deal of promise
- Loyal
- Sensual bond


- Have no appreciation for traditions
- Both are stubborn
- Weak emotional bond


The Taurus-and-Leo interaction is challenging. As the "I establish" sign of the zodiac, Taurus prefers well-worn paths, plodding along, and playing it safe. Leo is the "I perform" sign of the zodiac, and is romantic, creative, and playful. A long-term relationship (outside parent/child) can happen, but other factors in the chart will have to help make it happen and keep it positive. Both are fixed signs, so if they come together, separating can be difficult even if the relationship is toxic.


Both Leo and Taurus are characterized by their strong determination and their ability to make difficult decisions and stick to them. While Leo is loaded with passion, Taurus on the other hand is deeply emotional. When these two signs come together they might experience problems and dissimilarities between them at the outset. However, as they start spending more time together, they come to realize how much they enjoy each other's company as well. While a Leo might find the Taurus lacking in passion and outward romance, he/she will attention and care instead. For the Taurus, the Leo might seem overbearing at times but he/she will certainly make things much more dynamic and interesting. Leo and Taurus compatibility flourishes when both signs can get over their fixations in their personalities and instead focus more on what Leo and Taurus love has to offer to each other.


Taurus and Leo friends can exist, but mostly because of their fixed natures more so than the alignment of values. Leo wants attention and likes to "showboat" while Taurus does not, on both counts. However, if the Leo person needs a reliable "partner in crime" the Taurus will fit the bill. And if the Taurus individual needs to have some fun and "get out and socialize", the Leo will certainly help them get out and "live a little".

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