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Element: Earth

Dates: August 23 - September 22

Ruling Planet: Mercury

House: 6th

Quality: Mutable

Lucky Numbers: 2, 6, 8, 15, 20, and 35

Colours: SIlver, additional colours are indigo, green and brown

Lucky Day: Wednesday

Flowers/Herbs: Morning Glory, Caraway

Birth Stone: Sapphire

Body Associations: Abdomen, digestive system, intestines and spleen

Motivations: Maintaining and fixing

Energy: Yin (Feminine)

Key Phrase: "I serve"

Positive Traits: Elegant, reliable, honest

Negative Traits: Critical, detached, uptight

Compatibility: Scorpio, Capricorn, Cancer, Taurus, Pisces

Celebrities with your star sign: Beyoncé, Keanu Reeves, JungKook (to all the Kpop stans), Zendaya, Stephen King, Keke Palmer

Your sign...

Female: A Virgo woman is a perceptive and very caring person. Details are very important to her. All this analysis and these observations help her to make well-thought-out decisions. She is not a spontaneous person. For her, the keywords are prudence and organization. A Virgo woman has a real passion for things that are well done. Whether at work or in everyday life, she can be very demanding of herself and her family. Before she starts something, she already has an established plan about how she wants it to happen. And if there is one thing that irritates her, it is starting something without a strategy for completing it. Everything should be precise and planned down to the last detail. There is no room for anything unclear or too generic. One of the best qualities of a Virgo woman is her efficiency, the fact that she is rational and self-disciplined. She will take care of her finances and . Other words used to describe her attitude towards life include: frugal and discriminating. She prefers practical solutions over complicated ones and appreciates the mundane over the extravagant ones.

Male: A Virgo man is tender and faithful. Behind his somewhat reserved and shy appearance, the Virgo man has much to offer his partner. He can be full of kind attention while providing stability and security to his partner. For a Virgo man, it is not the feelings that express themselves first, but practicality. He shows he cares by doing "the little things" constantly, and rarely shares his emotions. A Virgo man is a very calculating person. He tends to analyze and dissect everything. Quality is very much appreciated in him, especially to manage finances. The strong points of a Virgo man are his intelligence, his excellent organizational skills, and his caring character. Because he is meticulous and pragmatic, frugal and prudent, he is not a flashy individual. His success is measured and carefully cultivated over a long period of time, which can make him seem dull to other signs that want more flare from their friendships and lovers. What he lacks in "pizazz", he more than makes up for in reliability, loyalty, and consistency.

As a child: Virgo children prefer to help and appreciate chores and tasks that are valuable to the family. They appreciate a routine and love to complete "to-do" lists assigned to them by their parents. Any time they transgress or need correcting, it should be done practically and consistently. If they need to go into a "time out", use a stopwatch to mark the amount of time that "suits the crime". The Virgo child will rarely get in trouble because they like to be responsible before they like to play; they like to eat their vegetables before dessert, and may even prefer a second helping of vegetables instead of dessert! The best rule of thumb to teach them is to give them instructions. In fact, they could grow up to write the instructions! If the parent takes the time to explain "how things work", including relationships, the Virgo child will be attentive and appreciative. They can be successful so long as the limits and rules are clear. They will not be satisfied with vague explanations and would prefer for you to say "I do not know" than to try to pretend that you do.

As a parent: The Virgo parent prefers to run his or her household efficiently and practically. There will be a lot of rules, which are intended to make life easier and smoother. Following and appreciating them will make life at home much more pleasant. Punishments will not be elaborate or showy, and they will be teachable moments. When this parent engages, there will be a logical and practical reason for doing so; they want to be sure their children learn skills and knowledge that will help them succeed in daily life.

In friendship: Virgo people are supportive of friendship. They love to help their friends solve problems and complete tasks. As a mutable sign, they can get along well with all the other signs of the Zodiac. They make great friends because they usually fulfill some practical role in people's lives. Friendships come easily, and they will put the work into keeping friendships running smoothly by doing the little things, like remembering details that are important to their friends. They are wonderfully loyal, and doggedly consistent, enjoying routines with friends just like they enjoy routines in their personal life. They are especially welcome when you need some help putting something together with complicated instructions.

At work: Virgos make some of the best employees, especially in large organizations. Their sign is known as the "administrator", which often makes them perfect for the tasks that make a company run successfully day in and day out. If you need to know where something is or why some process exists, ask the Virgo employee; he or she will know. They love to know what the rules and procedures are for any task in the business. In fact, these are the people you should ask to write your rules, review any contracts, and make sure any business events go off without a hitch. Virgos also makes the perfect inspectors, evaluators, and arbitrators; no detail will go unnoticed and no box will be left "unchecked". While it is part of traditional astrology to suggest some jobs are Virgo jobs and other jobs belong to other signs, that concept is outdated. Essentially any sign can do any job, whether the person is a hairdresser, surgeon, stay-at-home parent, fighter pilot, and on and on. Ideally, the person doing the job needs to be able to do the work in alignment with his or her sign. Virgo prefers to be administering, organizing, and maintaining when it comes to work and career.

In love: Virgo is not a flashy lover, but if you give them instructions, they will make the effort to be the best lover you could hope for. They show love in hundreds of little ways that they use to build a big love over time. There is no rush in them, which means they will treat love the way they treat life, practically and meticulously. They may not build a blazing fire because they know judicious use of the wood is what is necessary to get through the entirety of winter.

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