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Element: Air

Dates: September 23 - October 22

Ruling Planet: Venus (lucky bastards, you Libras must be hot then)

House: 7th

Quality: Cardinal

Lucky Numbers: 1, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14 and 24

Colours: Pink, additional colours are orange and white

Lucky Day: Friday

Flowers/Herbs: Roses and Lady's Mantle

Birth Stone: Opal

Body Associations: Kidneys, skin, lumbar region, endocrine system, and butt

Motivations: Balancing and Analysing

Energy: Yang (Masculine)

Key Phrase: "I relate"

Positive Traits: Forgiving, fair, outgoing

Negative Traits: Flirty, superficial, indecisive

Compatibility: Aquarius, Gemini, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Celebrities with your star sign: Cardi B, Eminem, Kim K, Zac Efron, Doja Cat, Matt Damon

Your sign...

Female: The Libra woman is discreet and rather reserved at first. However, when you get to know her, she opens up slowly and unveils a kind, sincere, and sociable side of her personality. This is not the kind of woman who will show off in her life and career. She is the kind of person who knows how to listen. Indeed, interacting with others is essential for the Libra woman and there is no better interaction than conversation. She is also gifted with great intelligence. She highly appreciates the intellectual interaction she can achieve when meeting someone new. With her generous nature, she makes friends easily. Her loved ones are extremely important to her and she is the link that binds her family together. People who do not know each other will have a chance to become friends through their relationship with her. Since all relationships are important to her, family is even more valuable to her sign than all the others, except Cancer. She is a loving wife and a devoted mother who instinctively responds to her children's every need.

Male: Libra men master the art of communication and negotiation. They know exactly how to choose the right words to persuade someone and their arguments often win each discussion. Their logic, combined with their charm, influences the decisions of the people around them. They are diplomatic, and know how to "read a room". Professionally, Libras are patient and thoughtful, turning every remark and comment over and over in his mind until he understands all the dynamics of a social situation. He knows that success does not come by chance, but is built step by step. He is more than capable of long-range planning. Finding balanced solutions drives him and he will exert every effort to get to the needed outcome. The more complex a situation is, the more he will try to engage and work to find a solution. Libra men are very respectful to their superiors and elders. This is not a simple attitude of politeness. They are well aware that respecting others is the way to be shown respect, which, in turn, results in respect from others when their time eventually comes. Because he is adept in social situations, he knows that his appearance is as important as his wit and wisdom. Therefore, he pays special attention to his own image.

As a child: Libra children are among the ones to mature quickly, along with Capricorn and Aquarius. They prefer to learn socially and will want to build relationships with their peers and family members as their key way to grow and learn. Any time they transgress or need correcting, it should be done fairly and justly, with no fanfare. The Libra child will be most concerned about the impact any actions have that can harm or heal a relationship. The best rule of thumb in teaching Libra children is to do the work and lessons together. They truly enjoy making the learning process a joint effort. Two heads are always better than one, in their mind. These children tend to mature quickly because they are so adept at paying attention to everyone around them and "reading the room". They pick up on social norms and cues faster than any other sign.

As a parent: The Libra parent prefers to keep family life peaceful and harmonious. They will notice the slight imbalance with a child and want to address it. They believe discussion and analysis are the best way to teach a child and resolve problems. Punishments will be fair and just, and a matter of following or breaking the rules. This parent stays engaged, even at low levels, which usually helps prevent bigger problems from building and then exploding forth.

In friendship: Libra individuals often make the best "best" friends. These people easily become your BFF (best friend forever) and will work hard to make a friendship something you both treasure. Libra people are devoted friends. This sign is all about partnership, so friendships are as important to them as a family or an intimate partner. Friendships come easily, and they will put plenty of effort into maintaining and caring for their friends. They know the importance of networking and are often the hinge between other people who may only interact when the Libra person is around. They are especially welcome when you need someone who can see both sides of an issue, help you analyze a problem, or advise you on the likely outcomes of your decisions.

At work: Libras make some of the best hiring managers, deal-makers, and contract negotiators, whether for a small or large organisation. Their sign is known as the "arbitrator", which often makes them perfect for tasks involving hiring, firing, managing people, and arranging legal business relationships. If you need to make sure everyone is being treated fairly, then you want a Libra leading the discussion or negotiation. They love to make sure everyone wins; they want the boss and the workers to get along; they want customer service to make the customer happy. In fact, these are the people you want to send into a situation where there is a breakdown in communication or a deal to be hammered out. Libras make the perfect human relations problem-solvers, contract writers and reviewers, and relationship "maintainers"; they know how to "read a room" or client or opponent better than any other sign. While it is part of traditional astrology to suggest some jobs are Libra jobs and other jobs belong to other signs, that concept is outdated. Essentially any sign can do any job, whether the person is a hairdresser, surgeon, stay-at-home parent, fighter pilot, and on and on. Ideally, the person doing the job needs to be able to do the work in alignment with his or her sign. Libra prefers to be negotiating, analyzing, and deciding when it comes to work and career.

In love: Libra loves to partner up and share in love. They tune into others better than any other sign and want to make every relationship work. These lovers can actually become friends if an intimate relationship ends; they are just that good at relating. What makes them so desirable is their innate ability to see through others' eyes and connect with what the other person values. Naturally "graced", these individuals project an aura of trust that others easily fall in love with.

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