『Compatibility: Aries x Scorpio』

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Compatibility score overall: 66%


- Works well together
- Unbreakable bonds 
-  Both loyal


- High levels of jealousy
- Both desire control
- Both have strong opinions, which can lead to arguments


The Aries-and-Scorpio interaction is surprisingly positive, probably because both signs have the same traditional ruler, Mars. As the "I am" sign of the zodiac, Aries is independent, face-paced, and likes to take risks. Scorpio is the "I transform" sign of the zodiac, and is intense, powerful, and a change agent. A long-term relationship (outside parent/child) can happen, but if it does not, then for Aries it is, "easy come, easy go", and for Scorpio, it is, "well, everything changes". Scorpio is a fixed sign, that can make any situation persist, even, and especially if it is dramatic, but Aries prefers positive interactions, and too much negativity will eventually cause it to go on its way.


Aries tends to be a high energy, active lover who races passionately into intimacy, and Scorpios tend to be deeper, more emotional lovers who seek subtle, energetic connections with their partners. And that difference in expression may show up in other areas of the relationship as well, such as how well these two are able to emotionally connect. That's not to say Scorpio can't "bend" toward Aries' style, but whether Scorpio can sustain that shift is a different story. And similarly, Aries can struggle to fulfill the emotional needs of Scorpio, who requires deep intimacy, trust, and loyalty. Generally, this pairing sizzles initially but fizzles with time.


Aries and Scorpio friends are very important to each other because they can hang out with someone that is equally as intense. Even though the Scorpio intensity is constant; Aries can rise to the occasion should it be necessary. Also, Aries is one of the few signs that can call out Scorpio. They will have to listen because Aries is not afraid of them. These two can go to war together and be an unstoppable force as friends.

Again, sorry if the grammar here is bad. I got this info from some random astrology website and I'm pretty sure they didn't even proofread any of their pages

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