『Compatibility: Cancer x Cancer』

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Compatibility score overall: 78%


- Provides a homely presence
- Mutual support system
- Caring and compassionate


- Share a moody demeanor
- Have a slow progress for building trust
- Careful nature can hinder relationship overall


The Cancer-and-Cancer interaction is not as easy as one might assume when a sign meets one of his or her own. As the "I nurture" sign of the zodiac, these individuals need to caretake others, share compassion, and be the emotional safe harbor in relationships. A long-term relationship might prove difficult because they both want someone to "plug into them". Also, the emotional intensity might be enjoyable when first meeting, and feeling a kindred spirit, but could lead to intense feelings that can be difficult to keep from overwhelming the relationship. A Cancer-Cancer match makes for a deeply devoted duo, endlessly loyal to one another. Both will learn the ins-and-outs of their partner, the best ways to heat each other up or, if necessary, to cool one another down. Both will also find great comfort and satisfaction in their underlying commitment to one another.


When two Cancerians come together in a love affair, a loving and yet very emotional domestic relationship ensues. A Cancer-Cancer match makes for a deeply devoted duo, endlessly loyal to one another. Both will learn the ins and outs of their partner, the best ways to heat each other up or, if necessary, to cool one another down. Both will also find great comfort and satisfaction in their underlying commitment to one another. Cancer in love is reticent, insecure and finally wholly absorbed. With a love match, each will try to show the other that they're home base—a safe zone in a world of meanies and players. Once trust is established, they'll enjoy going out, but also spend a lot of time at home, the start of lifelong nesting. Intimacy is sweet and sensual and bonds their hearts like superglue.


Cancer has uncanny instincts about people. That's why they attract each other like magnets. Both share a weird sense of humour that few others understand. When two Moon Children get together, they start laughing like lunatics. The duo Cancerians understand one another's rhythm – they don't subscribe to pop psychology and the notion that every moment must be spent being happy. Before meeting each may have felt there was something wrong with themselves – for not being deliriously joyful all the time – that's what makes the friendship special – like souls who believe in a range of emotions – including sentimentality and sadness. They both know how to make money and hold on to it. As a result, they often use their friendship as a launching pad to a successful business. At times, their extreme mood swings can cause them to snip at each other.

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