『Compatibility: Cancer x Pisces』

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Compatibility score overall: 99% (God DAAMN)


- Understands their partner well
- Both gives each other reassurance
- Great emotional connectivity


- Developing trust needs more time
- Both can be emotionally destructive
- Clashing morals


The Cancer-and-Pisces interaction can be challenging because both are water signs. Of all the same element to same element combinations, water is the most complex and problematic. As the "I nurture" sign of the zodiac, Cancer is caring, sympathetic, and compassionate. Pisces is the "I dream" sign of the zodiac and is intuitive, visionary, and imaginative. Cancer loves material goods, they admire and they appreciate. Cancer desires comfort and a rich home, and at times might not understand the simplistic, minimalist lifestyle of their Pisces mate. Though they may work toward different goals of acquisition and lifestyle, the shared emotional depth of Cancer and Pisces can make theirs a very rewarding relationship. A long-term relationship is possible, mainly because it involves a cardinal sign (Cancer) and a mutable sign (Pisces).


A Cancer and Pisces love match is a positive meeting of spirits. Both signs are basically tolerant and sympathetic, and Pisces is easily energized by Cancer's ideas. A Pisces mate can open a Cancer's eyes to the world of creativity and spirituality. In turn, Cancer's practicality can be a guide, leading Pisces to the fruition of their dreamy, utopian ideas. This celestial pairing benefits from an amazingly strong and multifaceted emotional bond. This love is so fierce it will defy any emotional turmoil. Once the chaos subsides, they are either making angry love or crying. When crying, they are begging each other for forgiveness. It's true their tempers put a hamper on the tender side, but let's all be thankful anger is a passing emotion. Let's also be thankful the love they establish makes them the forgiving kind. It's a good thing visits to the dark side of their natures remain rare. This connection is lasting due to the empathy and compassion each party has for one another. The heart-to-heart connection makes the Pisces and Cancer love match a power couple!


Cancer and Pisces duo are great pals. Loving Cancer enjoys lavishing insecure Pisces with affection. The expressive Fish adores drawing the Crab out of its shell. There will be times when Cancer gets exasperated with Pisces's irresponsible behaviour with money. Cancer/Pisces have a strong sense of community and believe in helping societies' most vulnerable members. They express this belief by volunteering in animal shelters, soup kitchens and anywhere community support is required – it's this platform that often creates enduring friendship. Alternatively, they are likely to work in health or social serves and become close through sharing similar personal philosophies although not necessarily methodology.

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