『Compatibility: Cancer x Sagittarius』

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Compatibility score overall: 49%


- Effortless personal connection
- Sociable personalities
- Effective conversational skills


- Differences in preferences or interests
- Social nature causes lack of trust
- Awkward encounters when in a romantic relationship


This relationship is not an easy one. As the "I nurture" sign of the zodiac, Cancer is caring, sympathetic, and compassionate. Sagittarius is the "I expand" sign of the zodiac, and loves to explore, share, and adventure. A long-term relationship is not likely unless other factors in the charts help them stay connected. Sagittarius loves to address issues head-on, often with a little too much boldness, whereas Cancer is the expert at passive-aggressiveness. One trait that Cancers and Sagittarius do have in common is the way they exist on the material plane. In the right combination, they can help each other to find a more healthy and kind way to communicate, so the message gets across without any feelings getting hurt.


When Cancer and Sagittarius make a love match, they both need to be patient and give the relationship time to grow and mature. As it develops, each love partner will discover that they have much to offer one another. At first, it just seems like Sagittarius is the thrill-seeker who enjoys the occasional adrenaline rush, and that Cancer derives much more satisfaction from emotional security. Sagittarius needs room to grow and roam. As the mother archetype takes shape, Cancer is better off as a free-roam Mother. She is one who has confidence in her child to allow them to go off into the world on their own. She doesn't hover over her children watching their every move. It's this access to the world Cancer will need to give Sagittarius. It's the only way to make their partner comfortable in the relationship. Sagittarius doesn't like to answer to anyone. With Jupiter as their ruling planet, they crave expansion and growth. Cancer focuses on making the home a fortress for their love. Sagittarius is looking to wander. It becomes a parent-child relationship where Sagittarius rebels against the parent for freedom. If Cancer doesn't learn to let go, there can be a lot of growing pains along the way!


Cancer and Sagittarius are a strange duo. The sensitive Crab can burst into tears at the drop of a hat, while the optimistic Archer refuses to let anyone break their stride. Cancer is great at creating a comfortable, enriching home life, while Sagittarius prefers living out of a suitcase. Their friendship alliance is truly strong and scary. After all, both are passionate, intense and generous with their feelings because there aren't two other signs to enjoy such good compatibility between themselves. When a Scorpio and a Cancer are friends, new levels of deepness get to be revealed to both of them. They can collaborate very well because they're balancing each other positive and negative traits. Furthermore, these two like one another very much and can combine their dreams and strategies into successful projects. They have many things in common, so their connection can be very strong.

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