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Happy Birthday

Leonora PoV:

Some might say that your birthday is the best day in your entire life. Well, maybe it is, but not when your friends want to drag you out to a club.

Doesn't sound to bad, right? There is nothing that I hate more then croweded places, that's just something I can't stand. Still, they wanted to drag me there. They literally went on their knees and begged me to come with them.

"Comon, it's just one night. Pleaseeeee." Corinne begged for the millioneth time in the last few weeks. Ever since they had the idea, they just wouldn't let it go.

Corinne was one of the, and I don't joke, three friends I have. I met her at the libary, where I work. We got along well and she invited me over to her. That was when I met her roomates Ossie and Bryce. Two lovely guys.

"Pleaseeee?" I sighed and turned around, facing her. "I swear, if you ever want to drag me somewhere else again, I will just close the door in your face." A wide smile apperead on her face and she jumped into my arms.

"I promise, you wont regret it." "We will see…" She gave me a soft kiss on the cheeks, before she took the coffee, I was making for us two. A soft blush came to my face and I followed her with my own coffee.

My apartment wasn't that big, but I still loved it. Three room, cozy and enough for me and my three cats. And no, I'm not some crazy cat lady.

The three rooms where my bathroom, bedroom, which was also my living room and kitchen, with a little table and the washing machine. I loved old book and plants, and that's what you could see in here. Shelves full of old books and ivy growing around everywhere.

But I think what is more interesting, is who my cats are. The other three friends I have. Mirror, Patches and Rumpel. Mirror is a female Chartreux, Patches is a male burma cat and Rumpel, or better Rumpelstiltskin (that's how I call him when he caused trouble) is a male Birma cat.

I took off my glasses, placing them on my night stand. "Now, the only thing we have to take care of now, is what you will wear." That's what I thought would happen. Why on earth did I say yes?

I laid back on my back and covered my face. "Don't even think about hiding, let's see whats hidden in your closet." She pulled the doors open and started roaming around. This would be a long evening, I could feel it.

After what felt like two years, she finally had something that she was pleased with. "How could know that you look so damn hot in a suit!" I looked at myself in the mirror. She found and old suit of mine, a black one with some red accens which fit perfectly with my hair. Together with that, there was a red tie.

"You neeeeed to wear that." I sighed and turned back around. "If you leave in peace now with this, then I promise I will wear this." She smiled and jumped up and down. It seemed like someone was more excited then me for my birthday.

"Now let get you out of that and drink some wine, hm?" "Sounds perfect." She left the room and I changed my clothes, petting Mirror on my way out.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I sat up in my bed, Rumpel and Patches hissing at the intruders. "For lords sake! Don't do tha to me!" The two men smiled and Corinne jumped onto the bed and hugged me tightly.

"You were still sleeping and she grew impatient." Bryce said, holding a helium balon. "Sorryyyy…" She said, smiling at me. "Your forgiven. Now comon, let me get into some clothes and then we can talk." The three nodded and left the room.

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