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Something unspoken

Leonora PoV:

I wake up the next morning, a slight headache greeting me lovingly. "Atleast it's not so bad…" Slowly I sit up, looking around. The bed was empty and I was alone.

Her clothes were still on the ground, so was her underwear. Slowly I started to blush as I thought back to what happened yesterday.

Before I could get up, Clarissa walked into the room and smiled at me. "Finally woke up, hm?" I look down, my blush growing darker as I see that she is still naked.

"Why so shy? It's not like you practically begged me yesterday to see it…" She came closer, sitting down on the bed. "How do you feel my Dear?"

I look up at her, a soft smile on my lips. "I feel good, besides a little headache." She chuckles and I roll my eyes. "Come, I made us some breakfast and coffee. And I bet I have some Ibu somewhere." I smiled and took her hand, standing up.

She pulled me close to her and once more I found myself lost in her eyes. "Mind if I kiss you?" "Just do it already…" I closed my eyes, as her warm, soft lips touched mine, kissing me softly.

I smiled as we parted, before following her into the living room. "Get comfy on the couch, breakfast will soon be served." She nodded towards the conversation pit as she said that and I nodded, sitting down.

I sighed, closing my eyes as the sun started to warm my body. Slowly the smell of coffee filled the air and soon after, Clarissa handed me a cup.

"There you go… And your Ibu." "Thank you." We both smile at each other, before I take the pill and sip from my coffee.

She sat down next to me, her hand softly drawing little patterns on my arm as she watches me. I feel myself blush, as I look back out of the window.

"Don't hide yourself my Dear. You are to beautiful to do that." Even when I wasn't looking at her, I could see that smile of hers infront of my eyes. One of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

Her fingers slowly started to trail off to my waist, giving me a goosebump. "Someone seems sensitiv here…" She slowly starts to scratch over the spot a little more, making my bit my lip.

"Already up for round two?" I asked, looking at her. "Oh yes. I can't get enough of you and your beautiful body." She slowly leans closer, as I blush, watching out not to let my coffee fall.

Our lips met and she smiled into the kiss, intoxicating me. We part, only to make me miss those lips already.

"You have to stop kissing me with that mouth. I don't know if I can resist you other wise." We both chuckled and I took another sip of my coffee.

"But that is excatly what I want… You obeying to me." My face gets bright red, as I try to play her words off. Her fingers start to draw patterns over my body again, as she cuddled closer.

A comforable silence fell over us, even though it felt like something was left unspoken. Like a question that needed to be asked but none of us dared to ask it.

I look back to her, watching the sun reflect in her eyes. "Everything alright?" She asked, her voice a soft whisper. "Yes… It just feels like…" I sigh and place my coffee down.

"It feels like something is unspoken between us." She tilts her head softly, sitting up. "Do you mean because of our little fun night?" "That aswell. But I mean more us… What is this between us?"

She stays quiet, looking besides me. "What would you wish this to be?" "I don't know… And that scares me somehow." Carefully, she took my hand in hers, kissing it softly.

"That is okay my Dear, don't pressure yourself. I think we both need time to think this through, right?" I nod slowly, looking back up at her.

"Does that mean I should leave?" She shakes her head, grabbing her coffee again. "You can stay as long as you want. I just want to say that we certainly can't decide this in the next five minutes. So please don't let this control your brain now."

I look at her and nod slowly. "It won't… I promise." She gave me a smile, which already made me happier in seconds.

"There is my beautiful girl. Now… wanna go back to bed and watch a movie?" I nod, standing up. "No wait… My cats." I turn to her, my face a look of pure shock.

"Calm down my Dear, I send Nigel to feed them." She smiled at me, before she came closer, pulling me into a hug. "I made sure that they get fed, don't worry…" I slowly breath out, hugging her back.

"What would I do without you?" "Sit in your apartment and miss all the fun we have. Now come, the bed is way warmer then just standing around here." With her hand in mine, she pulls me back to the bedroom.

Clarissa PoV:

I lay down on the bed, pressing a little button which lets down a canvas. Just then I hear the camera go off. "What are you doing?" "Capturing the view, just like you did."

She smiles at me and I take the photo of her. "You mean the view of my ass, hm?" Slowly her face turns red and I chuckle. How easy she got flustered and shy.

"You better keep that well hidden, thats a view only for you." She only nod and I took the camera from her, pulling her closer, before I kissed her once more.

Her hands pulled me closer, not wanting to break the kiss. As we lean back, I smirk softly at her. "Someone can't get enough of me, hm?" She shakes her head and I chuckle, laying down.

"Get your ass over here." I watch as she lays down, cuddling close to me, her face hiddin in my neck as I pull the blanket over us.

"What do you wanna watch?" "I don't care… Just put something on and cuddle with me." I smile and look at her, before I decide to put on a show, turning the volume down a bit so that it didn't disturb us.

"Now, I heard someone ask for cuddles?" Leonora looked at me, a soft blush on her face. I leaned my head a little closer to her face, before I took a picture of us, waiting for the polaroid camera to print it.

She rolled her eyes and cuddled back close, as I did my best to place the camera away. Carefully, I wrap my arms around her body, slowly starting to scratch her back.

"That feels good~" "I know it does… Now shh and relax my Dear." She closed her eyes, a smile on her lips as she laid here in my embrance.

I leaned down and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead, before I cuddled closer.

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