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With a lower quality ofcourse

Clarissa PoV:

I stepped out of the elevator and into the big office. Laughling greeted me and handed me a cup of tea, before he went back to his desk.

Without looking at anyone else, I stepped into my seperate office and sighed, as soon as the door closed. There was a pile of paper work on my desk and I was already crying on the inside.

I took off my coat and sat down behind my desk, turning on my computer. Before I could even check my e-mails, there was a knock on my door. "Really now?"

There was another knock on the door. "Come in!" The door opened and a woman walked in. "Im sorry to disturb you this early, but the founders of Safe Equipments are here."

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, turning my screen off. "Tell them I'll be there in five." She nodded and walked away.

Ofcourse they had to be here that early. No one dares to walk out on a meeting with them and I did it yesterday. All for one woman I met at a bar.

I grabbed my stuff and walked over to the meeting room. The men all looked up at me, as I sat down on my seat.

"Forgive me, that I had to leave yesterday." "I hope you had fun with her." I stared him deep in the eyes. Jorge Wood. Stupid man with a stupid name. Ofcourse he had to know what happened.

"What I do in my private life is none of your buinsness little man. Now please, sit down." His eyes filled with anger, but he sat down. "Thanks, now, where did we stop yesterday?"

They all started talking and explaining, drowning me with questions and ideas. Safe Equipments was a company just like Masked Inc., but just not that good.

Everything we did, they had on the market two months later. With a lower quality ofcourse. I tried to buy them up, or make them a little sister company of Masked Inc., but they always denied.

Jorge wasn't a fan of me. Well, if I were a man, he would. If I recall right, he said that a woman couldn't run a company this big. Maybe he's just jealous, because I have the money and he doesn't.

They started from where we stopped yesterday and I got bored fast. But this wasn't because of them. Every meeting I had to attend was boring as hell. That was why I mostly just send representators.

"And then we have a solution for the atomic waste." Now this was finally interessting. Atomic waste, the only thing that made us work together in the first place.

Both companys tried to find ways to get rid of it in a nature friendly way. Mine was with experiments, that wouldn't hurt the nature, his was with… destruction. Always with the head through the wall.

I listened to them and sighed on the inside. Again an idea, that was useless. "So, what do you think?" James stared at me. How adorable he could get, when he tought he had a chance on winning this here.

"I think that a three year old would have better ideas then you." His little smile faded away and I had to keep in my chuckle. I just wanted to go back into my office and drink my tea.

"You are a stupid bitch! You will see what you missed with us! And I swear your gonna crawl back to us on your knees!" I pressed a little button under the table, as I watched him stand up.

"You idiotic bitch!" The door opened and his eyes jumped up to the people coming in. "I wanted to introduce you to my friend here, but you know him already. Enzo, get him out."

I stood up and smiled at the man, that came inside. "Uhm, great talk everybody. Maybe next time waste my morning with something usefull." With that, I walked out of the meeting room.

Enzo was the guard of this office. He got employed from the old boss, just before he had to leave the company and I took over. Since then, Enzo was a friend of mine and helped me, whenever I needed it.

I watched from my office, as James got pulled out of here and to the elevators, where the security took him. By now, everyone was used to him and his time bomb personality.

With a sigh, I closed my door and sat down behind my desk. My tea was by now cold and I placed it aside.

Once more, I turned on my screen and checked my E-Mails. There were already other problems waiting for me. Why couldn't I just have one day of peace?

Leonora PoV:

I just got to work, when my phone buzzed. Everything inside of me hoped that it would be a message from Clarissa.

I'm awake now aswell, read
through what you guys wrote
and wow. I'm impressed.

I'll be there aswell later guys,
so see you then;)
~Little Boy

-sent 6:07 AM

I sighed and turned my phone off again. "What? Lover not responding?" Esmeralda asked. She was a older woman, which spent most of her time here to read something. I'm impressed that she still hasn't read through every book.

"Kinda. She's at work right now." She smiled at me, giving me a book. "Give her time, everything will come when the time is right." I chuckled and scanned the book, before handing it back.

"If you say that. Have fun with the book." We both said goodbye and Esmeralda disappeared into the libary.

I sat down on the little chair and looked through the computer. The time just didn't want to pass. But why did I even want the time to pass? Maybe I was just waiting for Clarissa to write me.

I sighed and leaned back. Some hours had passed and it was almost 12:00 AM. I had my eyes on the clock on the wall.

My lunch break was in a few minutes and that was what I needed right now. Just to get out of here for some minutes and clear my mind. Something just seemed to bug me, but I couldn't really catch what it was.

When the clock finally hit 12, I grabbed my jacket and walked into the back of the libary. "I'll be back in half an hour. See ya." With that, I left and walked out to my car.

To my suprise, there was someone waiting for me. "I thought I'll just sent Laughling to get me lunch, but then I thought about you… And well, now I'm here."

A smile appeared on my lips and I hugged her. "I'm happy to see you too. Wanna go and grab some lunch?" "I would love to." I unlocked my car and opened the door for her.

"It may not be the fanciest car you have seen, but it's lovely." "I'm not complaining." Carefully, I closed the door and walked around my car to get in.

"So, where are we going?" "I know a little cafe, where we could go." Clarissa smiled at me and I started my car. "Then take me there, I'll trust you…"

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