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Kind of predictable

Clarissa PoV:

After watching a few movies, the sun stood up high in the sky. Leonora looked at her phone and sighed, turning back over to me.

"I think I am gonna head back to my apartment. My cats aren't used to being alone this long." I nodded and sat up, as she did aswell.

"Could you call me a cab?" She asked, as she looked for her clothes, putting them back on. "You know that I can also drive you, right?" "I do, yes, but my friends will probably wait infront of my apartment, so unless you want to be drowned in questions, I would advise you to stay here."

I chuckled and shook my head. "I think I can handle a few questions. Unless you feel uncomfortable having me around..." She looked at me, before she shook her head, a soft blush on her cheeks.

"N-no, I am not uncomfortable. I just... I don't want them to jump onto trains we haven't even thought about. You understand?" I nod and lean my head to the side, watching as the sunlight perfectly fell onto her body.

"So I can drive you? We could grab some lunch on the way." An adorable smile came to her face, as she nodded. "Perfect, just let me get changed."

I stood up and walked past her, making sure that her eyes followed me the whole time. Even though she tried to hide it, she was terrible at it.

"WHy dont you go and think about what we grab for lunch, hm? I think if you keep starring at me like that, I won't be able to control myself..." Her blush grew stronger and she looked to the ground.

"Y-yeah, I think that is, uhm, a-a good idea." I chuckled and roamed through my closet, looking for some fresh underwear and then an outfit for the day.

Leonora PoV:

I walked out of the bedroom and pulled out my phone, looking at the few text messages I had gotten. They were all from them. I didn't even bother to open the chat right now, I would see them later and there was no way I would explain myself two times.

I leaned against the kitchen counter, looking for what we could get as lunch. It didn't take Clarissa long to walk out of the bedroom, casually dressed in a nice white bluse and some pants with black high heels.

A simple outfit, but she still made me blush with it. "Wow…" "Thank you Dear. Now, decided on what you wanna get?" I nodded slowly and looked back up into her face.

"I thought about some chinese?" "Sounds good." She came closer, placing her hands on either side of me onto the kitchen counter, trapping me where I was. We both looked into each others eyes, before I placed my hands onto her cheeks and leaned down to kiss her.

Her hands wandered from the counter to my waist, squeezing it slightly. A small moan escaped my lips, as she pressed her body more against mine.

"I think we should go, hm?" My breath was a bit heavier and I nodded. Her eyes and smirk told me, how red my face was and I looked to the side.

Clarissa took my hand and pulled me with her into the elevator. As soon as we reached the ground, we walked over to her car and I got into the passanger seat, watching her as she drove.

Somehow this woman could lure you in, no matter what she did. Like a siren that tried to find it's next prey. And out of all people she chose me as her next victim.

"Nora?" I shook my head and tried to get myself out of the day dreaming. "Y-yes?" "I asked what excatly you wanted." She looked at me, a soft smile on her lips, as I told her my order.

It took maybe ten minutes, until we had our food, and like another ten until we came to my apartment. And as expected, the car of the three was parked outside.

"You do know them really well." "They are kind of predictable at these things. After some time you will understand." She chuckled and we both walked inside and up the stairs.

From inside, you could already hear their voices talking. I unlocked my door and walked in, only to get greeted from a very rushed and wild hug from Corinne. The other two sat on my couch, smiling.

Corinne leaned back, before she grabbed my hand and pulled me in. "You have to tell us everything!" She wanted to shut the door, but Clarissa stopped it with her door.

"You are gonna greet her ith a hug, but I get greeted with the door in my face?" I couldn't supress my smile at that comment. Corinne seemed more than embarressed, as she opened the door more again.

"I am so sorry, I didn't see you…" Clarissa smiled and walked in, closing the door behind her, handing me my food. "Don't worry. I forgive you." How could you not love that smile? It was like walking through a huge flower field on a warm sunny day.

Bryce looked at me with a knowing smile and I blushed a bit. "Ha! Where is my money?!" Ossie rolled his eyes and gave Bryce 20 Dollars.

"Did they really just bet on wether we would fuck or not?" My blush grew even more, when Clarissa asked that and Corinne giggled. "Now look at that. Nora, you are going all red!" I groaned and just walked into the kitchen to grab two plates.

That was where my three cats sat, all eating. "Babys…" I said and carefully walked closer, petting them softly. "Mama missed you three." "Mama?" I winced a little, as I heard her voice.

"Forgive me, I didn't mean to scare you." She came closer, standing next to me. Mirror looked at her interessted, so she extended her hand to let her smell.

"I-it's okay. I just didn't think you would get free from them so soon." She chuckled and leaned her head against my shoulder. "Don't worry, I know how to get out of such situations."

I closed my eyes and relaxed at the little gesture. "Now, I am getting really hungry. Wanna eat?" "Y-you mean the food, r-right?" Her eyes wandered to my lips, before she grabbed a plate and shrugged.

"Maybe… Maybe not… You wont know until you find it out." I felt my face heat up again and looked down. With a deep breath, I grabbed my own plate and followed her back to the others, ready for the question shower to begin.

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