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Masked Inc.

Leonora PoV:

I sat up, my head pounding like hell. How did I get here? Was that woman with me? I looked around the bed, sighing relieved when there was no one besides me and my cats.

"I can't get up like this." I groaned, looking for my phone on the night stand. There was a little paper card on it, but my head was hurting to much, as if I could look at that now.

When I finally found my head, I called Corinne, hoping she could help me.

"Good morning, sleepy head. Come into the kitchen, we made you some coffee and breakfast. And we have an aspirin for you." I tried to focus my eyes on the door, and there really were some people standing in my kitchen.

"One day I'll just change the lock." I mumbled, slowly getting up. Maybe that woman was right, how was her name again? There was no chance that I could recall that now.

I stood up, holding my head. Before I walked into the kitchen, I grabbed that little paper card.

"And, how was your day?" "Need some time to remember…" The helped me sat down and Corinne gave me the aspirin with my coffee. Sadly it didn't do it's magic directly.

"What's that?" Bryce asked, pointing at the card. I scratched my cheek, grabbing my classes to take a better look at it.

"I met someone yesterday, she ordered me some drinks as a birthday gift. I think she was the one that brought me home…" My eyes were still half asleep and I couldn't really concentrate on reading.

"Is it from her?" Ossie sat down behind Corinne on a chair, their eyes on me. "She said if I wanted to see her again, I should just stop by." I placed the card on the table and shoved it over to her.

Her eyes widened, as she showed the other two what was written on the card. I didn't really pay them attention, I just wanted to drink my coffee and get some food into my system.

"Your sure she placed it there?" She handed me the card back and I nodded. "Nobody else was here, so…" I turned tha card around, feeling my cheeks go softly red.

There was a kiss on the back of the card and in the most beautiful handwriting I have ever seen was written: For the birthday girl, hope to see you again ;)

"Found something?" "I think it's definitly from her." I showed them the back and they all started laughing.

The room fell silent and I sared at the written words.

"I still can't believe it." Corinne said. "That you bumped into her in such a bar. And that she brought you home!" The aspirin slowly started to work and I leaned back.

"I don't even remember her name, why are you going crazy like that?" I turned the card back around and forced my eyes to focus.

Masked Inc.
Detroit, Michigan
Tel.: …
E-Mail.: …

I didn't really pay attention to everything that was unnecessary. And there it was. Her name. It was the only thing that was written in gold on this card.

Clarissa Dovey

"She only had told me her first name." I mumbled, placing the card aside to start eating. "Maybe she thought you were to drunk to recognise her." "Who even is she?" They all screamed what at the same time, making me wince at the loud noise.

"Calm down, my cats… And my ears." I kept eating, trying to pay attention to the lecture Bryce was giving me.

"So she is a big fish?" "She is more then just some big fish Leo. She is the one boss. If you can work for her you don't have to worry about anything in your life anymore." I wiped my mouth clean and finished my coffee.

"Sounds like they all have a stick up their ass to impress her." This was what I didn't like about big companys. They all seemed happy, but behind locked door they all hated each other.

In the libary, where I was working, there was nothing I had to worry about. Besides the two older woman who owned the libary, there was another woman that I got along with. We never met up after work, but she is fun to talk with.

"That doesn't matter. Seems like you impressed her! You have to go visit her." I scoffed, standing up to make me another coffee. "I don't have to do anything." "When not for your own good, then for us."

I turned around, looking at them. "Remember how I said I would close the door in your face, if you ever wanted to drag me somewhere again?" "That's not the same Leo. This could be the oppertunity to gain a new friend! Maybe even more then that." She gave me the look and I knew what she meant, blushing slightly.

"She's right, do it for your own sake. Maybe not today, you need to rest some more, but you have to do it." I sighed annoyed, rolling my eyes. "Comon… You never have done something stupid in your life!"

I sat back down with my coffee, rubbing my forehead. "We will always taunt you with that, if you don't do it." "You won't stop, will you?" They all shook their heads and I groaned. "Curse you all. I'll do it. After that I will isolate myself for the next twenty-seven years." We all chuckled and Corinne smiled proudly.

"You go rest when you ginished this, I will go take a look for something to wear." With that, she stood up and left us alone.

It was two days after my birthday. I stood before my mirror, trying to make my hair not look like a complete bird nest.

"Comon, that's just your inner voice, you look mesmerizing." I walked out to her and she smiled. "Lord if that woman doesn't treat you right, I will kill her." She both started laughing and I hugged her.

"It's still not a date." "Yeah yeah, keep telling yourself that." She stepped back and took my hand. "Comon. Let's go." Before I could hesitate, she pulled me out with her. Ossie was at work, so only Corinne and Bryce came with me.

I checked myself one more time in the feclection of the car window. I was wearing a some black elegant and comfy pants, a wine red shirt and a fitting black blazer.

"Stop it and get in." I sighed and got in, sitting down. "Maybe I should call? What if shes not there?" "She will, now stop worrying and try to calm down."

That was easier said then done. Bryce started the car and drove us over to the Masked Inc. building. Only now it really hit me how hard this would get for me.

"And, and what do I do now?" I asked, looking at the two as we parked not far from the building. "Go in there and ask to see her." "What if they don't let me in?" My hands started shaking at that thought. I was lost without them in there.

"I don't think she invites you over and then tells no-one that she waits for you. Now get in there." "But-" She glared at me and I kept quiet. I was just trying to gain some more time and she knew it.

"Go now, or you lost your friends." "Cruel bitch." I spat, getting out. It was a joke, I knew that, but my fear of losing the only friends I had was higher then laughing about it.

Carefully, I made my way over the street and climbed the stairs. Atleast I didn't have to do it in stairs, that gave me some more stability.

Before I walked into the building, I stopped and looked up. Thousand thoughts started to suffocate me. I shook my head, pushing them down and stepping into the building.

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