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85,000 dollars

Leonora PoV:

We walked past the kitchen into a dark little room. She turned the light on and I saw rows and rows of wine and every other liqure I could think of.

"Are you some sort of alcoholic?" I asked and she started laughing. "No, no. Don't worry. I just like to be prepared for when I get guests." "Your more then over prepared." I started to look around.

"If you say so Dear. Something special you want?" She chuckled at my confused face. "Red or white?" "White, please." She smiled and nodded, walking over to a section.

"Won't you be a good girl and get two wine glasses out of the kitchen? Top left cabinet." I blushed and nodded, leaving the little room.

Did she tease me on purpose? Ofcourse she did, I can't imagine she talks with every woman like this. Trying to get my mind back to reality, I got the two wine glasses and waited for her.

"A 1811 Château d’Yquem." "A what?" She chuckled and placed the bottle on the counter, looking for a bottle opener. "I said a 1811 Château d’Yquem. A little sweeter wine, don't worry, you will like."

She opened the bottle and poured us two a glass. "There you go." I took the glass and smelled it. "You know how to taste a wine?" "No, I just wanted to see how it smells." She chuckled and placed the bottle aside.

"Want me to show you?" I just nodded, watching her. "First you look at it, take in the colour. Then you give it a short swirl." She showed me how. "And why do we do that?" "To see the texture of the wine."

I looked at her. "Really now?" She chuckled and nodded. "Next your gonna smell it." I did as she told me too, blushing at the proud smirk she had on her lips.

"And now we taste it. But don't drink it directly. Let it sit on your tounge for a short time, so that you take it in comepletly. And not to much, only a little sip." Again, I did as she told me too.

She was right, the wine was a little sweet and it tasted good. "That has to be the best wine I even drank." "I have some better and more expesive ones then that. But I'm glad you like it."

We both walked back to the conversation pit. "Really? What is this worth?" "Uhm, this one should be worth around 85,000 dollars." I stopped and stared at her.

"You good?" "85,000 dollars?!" She nodded slowly. "Do you know how much money this is?" "Not to brag, but I have the money. So please, sit down and drink." I took her hand and sat back down.

"If you don't like this, you shouldn't have come with me." She said, leaning back and crossing her legs. "Nothing here is cheap. I have the money, so why not throw it out the window for beautiful things?"

How she said it, it almost sounded like she could buy the whole earth and would still have enough money to build everyone a villa. "Wheres your mind at?"

I looked over to her. "Trying to figure out how much money you have." She chuckled and placed her hand on my knee. "Why? Trying to rob me?" I shook my head. "No, no!" Her chuckle was almost hypnotizing.

"How scared you get, when I joke around. Poor girl." I looked away, taking another sip of the wine. We stayed quiet, just enjoing the company of the other.

Her phone rang after some time and she placed her wine glass on the little table. "I'm sorry, I have to get this." "Yeah, ofcourse." She stood up and walked to the little room, closing the door behind her.

Some minutes passed, but she didn't come back. I noticed how I had to use the bathroom, so I stood up and looked around. One of the doors lead me into what seemed like a little libary with books and an big old armchair.

I admired it shortly, before I kept searching. And ofcourse my luck brought me to her bedroom. It was big, the walls had a greyish dark blue tone and a big bed stood at the right side.

You could directly stare out of a huge window front, when you walked into her. This whole wall was just one window. I stepped into her bedroom, even when I knew that I shouldn't.

There was a door on the left wall, which I assumed would lead to a bathroom. Without paying more attention to it, I just went into the bathroom. It was black and had some golden accents.

There was a huge bathtub, with some stairs up to it, infront of another window front.

When I was done, I walked back out. I stopped, when I noticed something on the wall next to me. It almosted looked like some… chains? My cheeks turned red, as I realised what I was staring at.

"Didn't your mother taught you not to look through other peoples properties?" I winced and turned around, looking at her. "I-I didn't mean to, I was just, uhm, looking for a bathroom…"

She slowly stalked towards me, leaning her head to the side. "And that explains this?" Her finger moved in a little circle, before she stopped infront of me. "Yes?" She chuckled, placing two of her fingers on my chin.

"Why are you blushing my Dear? Having wild scenarions in your head?" Indeed I had, but I couldn't tell her that. In fact, I couldn't speak at all. My body wasn't listening to me.

I just shook my head carefully, holding her gaze. "You know, I don't like liars. Normally I would crush them under my feet." Her voice sounded so innocent as she said that.

"But I'll make an excaption for you." With her hand away from my chin, I noticed how much I missed how close she just was.

"I would love to spend more time with you Nora, but there is something I have to deal with." I watched, as she walked over to a little commode, which stood next to her closet.

"How about you just call me when you want to see me again." With that, she handed me a piece of paper. The smile she had on her lips made my cheeks burn and her chuckle.

As we both walked back to the living room, I finished my wine and stuffed the piece of paper into my blazer. "Thank you, for everyhing today. This was truly amazing." She smiled and brought me to the elevator.

"Do you want me to call Nigel, so that he drives you home?" "Oh no, I think my friends are waiting outside, so, no need of that." We both laughed a bit, before the elevator door opened.

"Well then, take care and I'll be waiting for your text or call." I nodded and stepped into the elevator. "I hope I don't have to wait to long." "I do too." She chuckled at my little comment, and before I could press the button, she leaned forward and kissed my cheek.

"See ya." With that, she just turned around and walked back into the living room. Shocked, I stood there a few seconds, before I pressed the button and the elevator started moving.

"Did she really just?" Carefully, I touched my cheek. A smile crept to my face and as soon as the doors opened again, I stormed out of the building and out onto the street.

My friends did wait on the other side of the road and I ran over to them, getting into the car. "Haven't I told you to not follow me?" "To bad we don't listen to you. Now tell me, how was it?"

I couldn't stop the smile and Corinne and I started screaming, to which Bryce covered his ears. "I don't wanna be deaf at such a young age girls." He mumbled, as he started the car.

"I'm sorry, but this is so… God, I love you all for dragging me to that damn club." Corinne smiled at me. "Okay, okay. Now, tell us everything…"

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