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Ready for a fun night my Dear?

Leonora PoV:

It didn't take long for the food to arrive an I have to say, that looked better then I imagined. "Bon appetite Dear." I ŝmiled shortly, before we both started eating.

Never in my life did something taste as good as this. The only suprising part was the chili flocks. "Oh damn it." Clarissa looked at me, as I started coughing.

"Are you alright?" I nodded, holding the napkin infront of my face. "Spicy…" There was a little grin, before she took a sip of her glass. "Not funny." I caughed once more, before I took a sip aswell.

"Don't like spicy food?" I shook my head, placing my glass down. "It's okay if it's a little spicy, but that…" She tilted her head a little. "Better now?" "Yes, was just suprising."

Our eyes locked and I swear, this woman and her eyes. "Keep eating, before it gets cold." I blushed a little, nodding, before I kept eating.

She finished her plate a little earlier then me, looking through the menu again. "Still hungry?" I asked, as I wiped my mouth clean. "Yeah. I was looking for something more… sweet." Her eyes locked with me, as she said that.

I blushed, pretending to check my phone. She did that low chuckle, she always did when she made me blush.

"Do you also want a dessert?" "Huh?" I looked up at her, blushing a little. "Dessert?" The only thing I could do was nod, as she shoved the menu towards me. And if I may say, her fingers looked hot doing so.

Oh my Lord, concentrate woman. I looked over the menu, telling her what I wanted and she nodded, calling over the waitress.

After she had ordered, we both sat there. "I know, we agreed on only the dinner, but I like to invate you over to my place after this. Only if you would want to, of course." She smiled at me softly.

"I would love too, but my cats…" I looked to the side, excatly knowing that this wasn't a real excuse. I wanted to say yes, but something inside of me was scared.

"I understand, don't worry." On the inside I was slapping myself. Did I really just say no to more time with her? And a few days ago I called myself the luckiest woman on earth.

The waitress came back with our dessert and I stayed quiet, not wanting to ruin the moment any futher. "There you go, can I bring you two anything else?" Clarissa shook her head. "We would like to pay then." The waitress nodded and walked off.

"Do you want me to drive you home then?" I looked at my dessert, trying to figure out what I wanted now. My lonely apartment with my cats or time with her.

"Nora?" I blushed a bit, looking up. "Are you okay Dear?" "Yes, I just… Can you drive me home?" She nodded, taking a sip of her drink.

"Perfect. I just need to feed the cats, then we can go to your place." She seemed suprised at my words. "Changed your mind?" "I did. Either I spend the rest of the evening alone with my cats or with you. The second option sounds better." Now she was the one that blushed a bit.

"I'm happy that you decided for me. You won't regret it." She gave me a short wink, before she kept eating.

After Clarissa had paided for everything, we drove back to my apartment. "Do you want to come with me, or…?" "If you don't mind it." I smiled, shaking my head. "You are always welcome."

We both got out of the car and we walked upstairs. Carefully, I opened the door, only to get greeted from my cats. And three other familiar faces.

"You're back- Woah…" Clarissa closed the door behind her, before looking at the three. "Cover your ears." "What?" "Just, just do it." She looked confused, but did it. Excatly then, Corinne started to scream.

"Now I get it." I chuckled, walking into the kitchen. "Please don't drown her with questions guys." "Can't promise anything." Bryce said back and I rolled my eyes, making food for my cats.

Clarissa PoV:

"You are an icon, I can't really believe that I am talking with you!" Leonora walked back out of the kitchen and placed down the three bowls. "Calm down fan girl." She said to him, making me chuckle.

"Like I said, a bunch of idiots." I smiled at her. "Do you need anything else?" She shook her head. "Even though I want to take a picture."

I watched as she walked over to one of the shelves, grabbing an old polaroid camera. "Old style, like it." She blushed a little, as she took a picture of the three.

"A moment to remember. You all look so stupid." One of the guys, I think Leonora called him Bryce, rolled his eyes and leaned against the couch behind him.

"Well then, we can go." "Take the camera with you, I have an idea." She looked at me confused, but nodded, grabbing it. "Goodbye you three. And you three idiots."

I chuckled, walking downstairs, hearing her follow behind me. We got back into the car and I told Nigel to drive back to my place.

"Did you know that they were there?" "I swear I didn't." I smiled shortly, looking out of the window. "Dangerous to know that they could show up just any second." I turned back to her, only to see that she was taking a picture of me.

She blushed a little, looking away. "Sorry…" I took the picture, admiring it. "You have a good eye, I must say." She gave me a short smile, leaning closer to look at the picture aswell.

Just then, we drove rather sharp around a corner and Leonora slipped closer to me, our faces only a few inches apaprt. She wasn't the only one that started blushing in that situation.

"I-I'm so sorry…" "Calm down my Dear, nothing happened." I placed my hand on her cheek, watching her hold her breath.

"Your alright?" She stared into my eyes, before her eyes wandered down to my lips. "Y-yeah… Yes, I am." I watched as she leaned back, getting a little distance between us again.

The rest of the drive we both remained silent. When Nigel finally reached my appartment, I couldn't wait to get out of the car.

"Do you stilol need me, Miss Dovey?" I turned around, before looking at Leonora. "Depends, did you plan on going home later? I can offer you to sleep at my place tonight." A soft blush coloured her cheeks, as she looked to the side.

"I sleep here." I smirked, looking through my pourse, before handing Nigel some money. "As a little thanks. You can go now, have a great evening." He thanked me, before he drove off.

"Ready for a fun night my Dear?" I offered her my hand, which she took and smiled. "With you? Sounds lovely." We both walked over to the elevator and I sighed, stepping in.

As the doors closed, the elevator made a little jump, before he started going up. You could clearly see the pure fear on my face, as I stood in the corner. But for my luck, I wasn't alone.

Leonora took my hand and pulled me closer to her, until she hugged me. Directly, I relaxed into her touch, my face comepletely red. But I'm pretty sure her face wasn't much better then mine.

When we finally reached the top, I stumbled out, catching my breath. "I swear, someday I just die from these things." She gave me a worried look, but I waved it off.

"I'll be fine, don't worry Dear. Now, you know where the wine glasses are, be a good girl and get us two, yeah?" I smirked, as she nodded, walking off.

"This sure will be a fun evening…"

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