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I would like to see you again

Leonora PoV:

"I think this night just got interesting…"

Those words gave me a chill down my spine. What was going to be interesting? I was some random woman, that couldn't even ask to sit down and now was talking like she never ever spoke before.

The barteneder came back with our drinks and Clarissa shoved mine towards me. "Cheers." She lifted her glass shortly, before she took a sip. My hands were shaking to much, as that I could hold a glass.

"Don't like it?" I shook my head, trying to get myself to speak. "It-it's not the drink, just… People." She smiled at me, patting the empty space besides her.

"They won't get you here, I promise." I don't know why, but I actully came a bit closer, until there was enough space for another person. She crossed her legs and leaned back, staring at me. My cheeks should have the same colour as my hair right now and I couldn't hide it.

"What am I even doing here?" I asked, downing the drink, breathking in. Lord that had some fire. "Take it easy there, we don't want you to end in the hospital." She joked and I chuckled shortly.

"Would be the perfect end for my birthday…" I leaned back and opened my blazer, feeling the my body start to heat up. "Want another one?" "I can't make you pay for more." She smiled at me, calling the bartender.

"You said it's your birthday, see it as your gift." She ordered two more and took another sip of her glass. "T-thank you…" "Your welcome."

I looked down at my hands, running my finger over my skin to calm me down.

"If I may ask a question." I nodded and turned my head slightly to her. "Are you here alone? Because you certainly don't seem like someone who would go into a club like this." Was I that see through?

"My friends… They dragged me here. I never really was someone to go out. I start to panick if I'm alone with too many people." My leg started to bounce up and down and I tried to focus on my breathing.

Why did I even sit down? I slowly started to regret that decision. There was that feeling of running away again and I wanted too, but my legs didn't listen to me.

"If you want, we can go outside, get some fresh air." Her landed on my knee and I relaxed at the warm feeling. "I, I don't know if…" I turned my head to her, trying to catch my breath. "If you can walk? I can help you, don't worry. Wanna go?" I nodded and watched her stand up.

Before I took her hand to get up, I downed the drink she had ordered for me, grabbing her hand. "You really should think drinking them that fast. You will regret it tomorrow…" "That's a problem for tomorrow." I said, feeling the alcohol calm me down.

"Come." She pulled me with her through the crowd, holding my hand tight in hers. When we finally got outside, I leaned against the wall, breathing in deeply.

Clarissa stood infront of me, emptieing her glass, before throwing it to the side. "Y-you have to pay for that." I said, watching her as she came closer. "Don't worry, those three dollars won't hurt me."

She smiled. "Feeling better?" I nodded, finally feeling all the alcohol hitting in. "Oh lord…" I stumbled forward and into her arms.

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