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Did I say something wrong?

Clarissa PoV:

I won't, I promise.

-sent 8:20 PM

I chuckled at her respone and turned off my phone, putting my phone in m pocket. The little nap really did it's work.

I walked over into my kitchen, looking for something to eat. After staring into the fridge for like five minutes, I closed it again and sighed. "I need to go shopping soon."

I grabbed some instant nudels and heated up some water. "Or I could order something…" I looked at the cards that hung on my fridge. "Nahh." The water boiled and I pured it into a bowl with the nudels.

Together with the bowl, I sat back down in the conversation pit. "Computer, tv on." I placed the bowl on the coffee table and pulled my feet up from the ground.

With the blanket over me, I laid my phone on my lap and started watching tv, hoping the time would pass by faster.

I don't know how long I sat here, but it felt way longer then it actually was. While waiting, I finished my nudels and had cleaned up the cup.

I sat back down and checked my phone. "Your behaving like a teenager Clarissa." And here we go again, I start talking with myself. I sighed and leaned back.

The last time I felt like this, was horribly. I thought I was finally going to be happy, but all this was just imagined. A lie, I had created that slowly started to crumble.

My friend said that something felt off, but I didn't want to believe her. And then ofcourse, she broke up with me, calling me a bitch and walking out of here, without looking back.

I shook my head, wanting to supress those memorys from showing back up.

Finally, my phone buzzed and I looked at it. You can't imagine the big idiotic smile I got on my face, when I read her name.

I'm home now, let me just feed my
cats and then I'm all yours…

-sent 8:43 PM

I smirked, feeling my cheeks turn slightly red. "Seems like someone is more confident over text, hm?"

I'll be here Dear…

-sent 8:43 PM

I placed my phone back onto my blanket, closing my eyes. "All mine…" My thoughts started to go crazy and I got a goosebump. "What are you doing with me Nora?"

I stared blankly at the tv, my hand on my phone. There was no one that could describe how fast I unlocked my phone, when I felt it buzz.

I feed the cats and changed
into some comfy clothes, so my
attention is now all yours :)

-sent 8:54 PM

Good, I think I would have gone
crazy If I had to wait any

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