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Funny thing about that.

Clarissa PoV:

I saw how she felt when she was with to many people, and I understood her. Sometimes it could be to much for me aswell. That was why I asked Nigel to go in and order for us.

"What do you want?" I kept my voice low, loving how she blushed at such simple words. "You… mean what now?" Impressive save, I have to say. "Coffee, what do you want for a coffee Dear." She blinked softly, looking out of the window.

"Just, just a normal ice coffee, with some, whipped cream…" "Something else you want?" I placed my hand on her knee, looking at her from the side. "A cookie." She was so adorable.

"Where did your manners go… Nora?" Her breath slowly quickened. "Please…" I smirked and told Nigel what I wanted, ordering myself a sage tea. He nodded and parked the car, getting in to order.

We both sat in silence, as I watched her try to calm down again. "So, besides the coffee and the cookie, you want me, hm?" Her head spun around, her cheeks as red as her hair now.

"W-what?" "The long pause after the you…" I smirked grabbing my phone and checking my e-mails. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw how she was a blushing mess. Oh what for an adorable woman she was.

There was this feeling in my stomach, that feeling that always told me I should stop seeing the person I was with. Not because something bad would happen, but because I would fall in love with them.

I threw a short look over at her, turning off my phone at the sight I had. She was wearing some round glasses, reading a little book I assumed she had in her blazer. The sun made her locks glow and framed her face perfectly.

The feeling grew stronger and I forced myself to look away. I couldn't fall in love, there was no way I would ever give someone enough time or attention to stay. They would all leave after some time, calling me a cold hearted bitch.

That was why I decided to just not let anyone near me again. It was painful, forcing myself to drop someone I loved to be with, but it was just the right thing to do in that moment.

Still, something was different with her. I couldn't force myself to drop her. Whatever I was trying to do, it just led me to getting to know her better.

Nigel opened my door and handed me the two drinks and the cookie, before going back to driving. "Where can I take you two?" "Still wanna come with me?" She looked at me, putting the book away. God, those damn glasses made her look even hotter.

"If you don't mind, then yes please. I would love too." I smiled and nodded, handing her her coffee and cookie. "Drive us home please." She took a sip, watching me lean back.

"I promise you gonna love my place. Doesn't look like yours at all, but you will loveeee the view…" She just stared at me, as if she was trying to take in my beauty. I didn't mind that, I loved it when a woman did that. And from her, it somehow felt more special.

When we arrived, I felt how my heart started to race. What if she didn't like it? Or if she thought I would be like everyone else with to much money?

She got out and looked up the building. "You live here? This is all yours?" I stepped next to her, shaking my head. "No, no. Mine is the penthouse, the rest is some other rich dudes. They think I just moved here, because I want their dicks." She looked at me with a red face.

"Your cute. Comon Dear, let's go inside." I pulled her with me to the elevator, squeezing her hand a little. She took it closer to her face, kissing the back of it softly. Lord, why did she had to do that?

When the doors opened again, I stormed out into my apartment, leaning against the wall. "That's the only thing I hate about my place." I mumbled, looking over my shoulder at her.

She placed her hand on my shoulder. "I can imagine. Why don't we sit down a bit, hm?" I nodded and we both walked into my living room. The couch was in the ground, I think you call this a conversation pit. Doesn't matter, she seemed to love it.

"Wow." She carefully sat down, looking up at me. There was a look on her, full of joy and excitment. "Like it?" "This is the coolest thing I have ever seen! And your couch is sooo soft." Her hands slowly slid over the couch and I watched them, feeling myself blush. What are you doing Clarissa? Concentrate.

"Won't you sit down?" I blinked a few times, before I sat down besides her. "I'm sat… Or did you mean your lap?" She looked down, playing with her hands.

"Don't be shy my Dear, I'm just joking around." She nodded slowly, turning her head to my wall.

"Wow. Are they real?" Her eyes widened, as her head turned back to me. "The… swords?" I asked confused, looking past her. "Yeah, are they real?" "I think so? They were already here and I thought they looked cool. That's why I kept them."

Leonora stood up and stared at them like a little child that stared at some candy. "Can, can I take it?" "I think so? Maybe don't break it, I don't know what worth they have." She nodded and carefully took one of them of te wall.

It seemed like she already knew how to handle such a thing, which was impressive. "My father always wanted a son. When ma got pregnant, he really prayed I would be a boy." She held the blade so that the light could reflect on it.

"But when I showed up he was more then disappointed. He forced me to do boy stuff and all, keep my hair short and such things." She stepped into a more open space and started to swing the sword around.

"One of those things was sword fighting and archery. I loved it and he was happy that I was atleast something close to a son." I stood up and watched her. Her movement were smooth and she seemed happy.

Until a sad smile overtook her lips and she lowered the sword. "I think I was eight, when ma died. My dad couldn't cope with it, so he started drinking." She walked back to the wall and placed the sword back.

"He started to get violent, and when I turned fiveteen…" Her voice went low and I took some steps closer. "I decided it was best for me to run away." She turned around and I saw the little tear running down her face.

"Funny thing about that, the house burned down the night I left. I wanted to go back and get something I had forgot and saw the big fire. He didn't survive." I placed my hand on her arm.

"When I saw that, I decided to never go back. I came here, found some other kids and grown ups, that didn't have a home and lived with them." We both walked back to the couch and sat down.

"They teached me what I know now and helped me get the job in the libary. From that I buyed myself the apartment and my cats. Now this is my life." Her eyes were slightly red and I pulled her into a hug.

She came a bit closer, relaxing into my touch. "Why did I even tell you that, that's not interesting." I heard her chuckle, as she leaned back. "Sorry." "Don't be sorry, it's nice to know that your open with me."

I gave her a soft smile and stood up. "Do you wanna drink something?" "A wine, if you have some." How sweet. If I have some. "Oh my sweet Nora, I have more then just wine. Comon, you can decide."

With that, I walked into my kitchen, hearing her follow me.

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