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We have to give it time

Leonora PoV:

"Should we wait until you guys are done eating, or…?" I looked at Corinne, knowing what she was referring to. With a slight look to the side and a short approving nod from clarissa, I nodded myself.

And lord, I didn't know what I started with that nod. The three started to throw questions at us left and right and than all at the same time.

When you finally understood one questions, one of the others threw you another question right against the head. Clarissa started to chuckle, as she kept eating and I shook my head.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Calm down you three. How am I supposed to answer anything?" The three finally calmed down and I looked over to Clarissa.

"Thank you. Those three wouldn't have stopped if I asked them to." Ossie wanted to complain, but Cornnie nudged him in the side, keeping him quiet.

"Don't worry Nora. Now, one after the other, alright? Like a game. First you, than you, than you. Always one question." And the three listened to her perfectly.

Maybe it was just because they knew who she really was. Or maybe it was because of her naturally dominant personallity. That really didn't matter, as long as it worked, it was fine with me.

Bryce was the first one to ask. And his question was more than guessable. "Did you two fuck?" "Bryce!" Corinne nudged him in the side aswell, shaking her head.

I blushed a bit, looking down at my plate, as I heared Clarissa chuckle. "That's the answer you are burning to hear?" She gave me a short look and I nodded once.

"Well, if you need to know it that bad. Yes, we two did sleep together. Next question." Ossie looked at us two, before heasked away.

"Are you two together?" And there was a question I had begged not to hear. We both looked at each other and internally, I was screaming, screaming for something to happen so that I didn't need to answer his questions.

On the other side, Clarissa seemed pretty calm about this. How did she stay so calm? I mean, yeah, she was running a huge business, but still. This wasn't just a question if we kissed after a few sips of wine.

"No, we are not together. To be honest, we are not really sure what we are right now." I looked down, unsure if I should say something or just let her do the talking.

"But… I hope that I can take her out on a date sometime." My cheeks grew red and a smile came to my lips. That idea was wonderful.

Corinne seemed like a fan girl of us two, as she tried to get her wide smile under control. "So this isn't a one time thing? You two will go out after this?"

I nodded, before Clarissa could say anything. "Well… If she want's that." She placed her hand on my knee, as I stared at her lips. They just had to look so damn kissable right now.

"I would be stupid it I would turn down such an offer." Her hand went to my cheek and I leaned into her touch, before she pulled her hand away.

"So, to answer your question. Yes, this won't be a one time thing." It seemed as if Corinne wanted to jump up and scream around, but she controlled herself.

Now again, it was Bryce's turn to ask a question. "Was this the first time you two-" Corinne slapped a pillow into his face. "If you are gonna keep asking such questions, I will just keep on slapping this pillow into your face."

I chuckled and slightly leaned against Clarissa, watching the two start to fight. "Are they always such chaos?" She whispered down to me and I nodded slightly, as we watched how Ossie tried to hold Corinne back.

"Yes… You never get a free minute, when those three are around." Bryce tried to gain some distance between him and her, but it wasn't really succseful.

"Should I step in, or…?" "Oh no. Let them fight a bit more. The won't kill each other, trust me." Clarissa shook her head and laid her free arm around me, holding me close.

Corinne saw that, and a wide smile came to her face. "You two are just the cutest… Now where was I?" She slapped the pillow into his face once more and I rolled my eyes, shaking my head.

"Wanna run away while they are distracted?" "Into the sunset and never turn back?" We both chuckled and I cuddled closer to her, as I put my plate aside.

Mirror was watching what was happening and meowed at the three. "You know… I am more than happy that you walked by that night. I haven't had fun like this in a while."

I looked up at her and smiled. "I am glad you enjoy my little friend group and don't find them weird." "Well… They are a little weird… and maybe even stupid, but I still like them."

I laughed out loud, which caught their attention. None of them said anything, as I looked up at Clarissa. Our eyes met and I directly got lost in them. There was just no better view for me… Well, maybe her ass, but the three didn't need to know that.

Before I could say something or turn to the three, she cupped my face and slowly leaned closer. I held my breath, my cheeks red, as she kissed me softly.

There were some soft mumbled, but I ignored them, relaxing at her soft touch. Never did I thought I would ever kiss someone infront of people. But here I was, and I was more than happy about it.

"If you two don't end up in a relationship in the future, than I am going to leave this country and never come back." We all started to laugh at Corinne's little statement.

"Maybe. We have to give it time." Her eyes slowly went over to them, her hands still on my cheeks, holding me close.

"Now, as much as I enjoyed this, I have to go. Work sent me an e-mail and there is a project those idiots don't seem to be able to handle alone." She pulled her hands away and I missed how warm my cheeks felt just seconds again.

"No worries, we know that it is probably stressful." "Stressful is an understatment. But thanks." I watched as she stood up, before I got my body working and did the same.

"You three stay here, I just bring her to her car." The three nodded and I followed Clarissa out of my apartment and outside.

She opened her door and looked at me, a soft smile on her lips. "The last few days we spent together were…" "Wonderful." I finished her sentence and she nodded.

"They sure were. Now, I will see you again. I text you when I have time?" "Please do. I don't want to wait to long." She chuckled and wrapped her arms around my neck, hodling me close.

Our faces were only a few inches apart, as I placed my hands on her waist. "Than I won't make you wait for to long, hm?" She leaned closer and kissed me softly and I forgot everything I just wanted to say.

When she leaned back, I got a soft smile, before she got into her car and started the engine. I waited and watched, as she backed out of the parking spot and drove off, leaving me alone.

With a heavy sigh, I turned around and walked back inside. The other three were already looking at me and I rolled my eyes, crashing down onto my bed.

"Whatever anyone of you has to say, keep it to yourself. I don't wanna hear it…"

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