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Tell him to go fuck himself

Leonora PoV:

It has been a few days since Clarissa and I offically became together. Of course, as expected, Bryce, Ossie and Corinne went crazy when I told them the news.

To be honest, it was mostly just Corinne. "And thst wasn't the fucking first thing you told us when we got here?!" She had my shoulders in a tight grip, shaking me back and forth.

The boys however just sat at my desk, chuckling. "I wanted you three to get settled first." "Next time you tell me before I even get up the stairs, got it?"

Ossie rolled his eyes. "So you can scream together the whole house? No thank you." "Oh just be quiet." She finally reliesed my grip, starting to pace around.

"Is she going to join us today?" I looked at my phone, before nodding. "She is in a meeting right now, but she wanted to come around as soon as she is done."

Sitting down on my bed I smiled as Mirror jumped into my lap. "But please. Don't scream at her like you screamed at me." "I can't promise anything." I rolled my eyes, but chuckled.

Grabbing my phone, I opened our chat. She was in a meeting, her phone was probably turned off, but she would read it as soon as she was done.

Hello there my sweet girlfriend, just
wated to warn you. Corinne is
probably gonna sream at you when
you get here.

-sent 4:16 PM

To my suprise she was online right away. And she even aswered me.

I hope not because she hates me.

-sent 4:16 PM

No, no, no. I don't think any of them
could ever hate you. More out of
excitment about us.
Besides that, aren't you in a meeting?
What are you doing on your phone?

-sent 4:16 PM

First of all, you are not my mother
Dear. I am old enough to decide what
I do on my own.
Second of all this meeting is boring.
I would rather be with you right now ;)

-sent 4:17 PM

I smiled. And of course, that caught the attention of the others.

"Writing with your lover girl?" I turned off my phone and pushed it onto the bed. "Let me ask that again. Writing or Sexting?" Now I was blushing. Just imagine she would do that with me while-

"Hello? Now don't drift off Leo." Shaking my head, I tried to concentrate back on the others. "J-just texting. Warned her about you." "Oh comon! No one has gone deaf because of my screaming." "Yet." Bryce added and got a glare from Corinne for that.

I chuckled, picking up my phone again. She was still online and I smiled again.

Sorry, the others.
But I have to agree, I would rather
have you here with me aswell :)

-sent 4:18 PM

The others shouldn't be an excuse
for you not to answer me. I thought
you were a good girl.

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