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For the lonely nights?

Leonora PoV:

Then next two days went by faster then I thought they would. Before I knew it, it was friday and I stood here, clueless on what to do.

Corinne offered me her help, but I wanted to do this alone. And now here I am, not knowing what to wear. Atleast I could go off work a little earlier then usual.

"What do you think?" Mirror looked at me and I sighed. "If you only could talk sweetie." I patted her carefully, before I stared at myself in the mirror.

"This just isn't me…" Luckily I sill had some hours, before Clarissa would show up here. We did write a little the past few days, sadly she didn't really have time to call. There was a big project she had to take care of or something.

I sad down on my bed and sighed. She didn't even give me a hint where we were going. Should I dress casual? Fancy? Rumpel jumped onto the bed next to me, looking at me.

"We have to find the perfect middle thing." With that, I started to roam through my closet once more until I found something I thought was perfect.

It was a white blouse tugged into some dark beige pants held up with some suspenders. "And?" By now the three all laid on my bed, watching me.

"You're so cute." I grabbed my polaroid camera and took a photo of them. "Now Mama only needs some make up." I did a more normal look, because I still wasn't that much of a big fan of make up. And besides that, I couldn't do much more then that.

"Now, where did I put my damn glasses?" I didn't really pay much attention to the time, so I was more then confused when my doorbell rang.

"Who on this earth?" I pressed the speaker. "Hello?" "Hello to you too, my Dear." My eyes widened. Was it already 8:00 PM? "I'm so sorry, but I'm not done yet…" She chuckled and I felt how I blushed.

"That's alright, don't stress. Is it okay when I come in?" "Yes, ofcourse." I pressed the buttopn for the door to open, before I went back to looking for my glasses.

"You look stunning, if I may say." Her sudden voice scared me and I winced. "T-thank you." I smiled at her, before taking her in. And lord, she looked more then beautiful.

"Wow…" She smiled at me. "Like it?" I nodded slowly, totally forgetting what I was looking for in the first place.

She was wearing a white a little oversized suit with some magnificent red make up. Matching to that, she was wearing some golden rings.

"Now, now, before you stare your eyes out. What were you looking for?" "Uhm, my, my glasses. I always missplace them." I chuckled, turning back around to keep looking for them.

It didn't take long for her to find them. "Found them!" I walked over to her, blushing as I saw her stare into the drawer of my nightstand. "Would you look at that. For the lonely nights?" She closed the drawer and handed me my glasses, a little smirk on her lips.

"This isn't-" "Don't try and lie to me my Dear, you know I can't stand that." My breath quickened a bit and I looked down, nodding. Her hand softly touched my chin, making me look at her. "Now, do you have everything you need?"

Her words sounded like a dream, as I stared into her eyes. "Just my coat…" I whispered and watched, as she grabbed it.

"Are you coming?" I nodded, taking my coat and glasses from her. She was already out the door, as I turned back around. "You three behave, I'll be back later." With that, I closed the door.

As I turned around, I saw how she was smiling at me. I started smiling aswell, before I rolled my eyes. "Keep walking." "As you wish." I wrapped my coat around my shoulders, following her outside.

"Now, are you telling me where we are going?" "You can't stand suprises, can you?" I shook my head, as I got into the car. "I always like to have atleast a little control over the situation I'm in." She chuckled, before she closed the door.

"Trust me, nothing will happen to you. Besides the danger of having fun." I smiled, as I leaned back. "Nigel, we are ready." The man nodded shortly, before he drove off.

The drive was quiet and I enjoyed it. Something about her always calmed me down and she knew that.

We drove for like twenty minutes, before we came to a stop. "I hope you like it." I looked at her. "If not when can go somewhere else, don't worry." I shook my head, getting out of the car.

"It's just been some time since I last ate out." She chuckled, as she walked over to me. "Well then, let's change that, shall we?" She interlocked her arm with mine and I blushed, walking inside with her.

"Good evening, how can I help you?" "Reservation for Dovey." The waitress nodded, before grabbing two menus. "Right this way please." We followed her to a small table, where she placed the menus.

I took off my coat, before sitting down. "This is all so… fancy." Clarissa looked at me. "It is." "I never ate somewhere this luxurious. Or that expensive, have you looked at the prices?" She laughed a bit, a small smile on her lips.

"Calm down Dear, eat whatever you want and don't look at the prices. I invited you, don't forget that." We both locked eyes and I swear I could have melted right here and now.

"Understood?" "Y-yes." She opened her menu. "Good girl." I looked down, trying to hide behind my menu. This would definitly be an interessting evening.

After some time, the waitress came back. "Can I already get you something?" "I'll take a lemon soda." She nodded and turned to me. "And for you, Miss?" "I, uhm…" Perfect, can't even order a drink.

"Would you give us two minutes?" The waitress nodded and walked off. I breathed out, looking over to Clarissa. "I'm so sorry, I just-" "It's okay, you don't need to apologise." Her smile calmed me down.

"Why don't you just tell me what you want and I order for the both of us?" "Really?" She nodded, before grabbing my hand. "Ofcourse my Dear. Now tell me, what do you want to drink?"

After she had ordered my drink and our food, we both sat there. "So… You have parents?" She looked at me, efore she chuckled. "Still can't stand the silence, hm?" I shook my head, sighing.

"Well yeah, I have parents, but I haven't talked with them in forever." "Why?" Her face turned to a emotionless mask, as she looked at me, before her smile returned. "Enough about that, how are you doing?"

I was confused. Did I say something wrong? I just asked about her parents, there was nothing wrong about that, right?

"I'm doing good. I mean, what do you expect from a simple life, right?" We both chukled and kept talking, as if the situation prior didn't happen.

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