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Seems like you know what you want

Leonora PoV:

A silence fell over the both of us, as I drove us to the little cafe. It was the same I went to with the others last time.

"So, uhm… Anything interesting going on at work?" She turned her head slowly to me, scanning me. "Your interested in my job, not in me?" I wanted to look at her, but kept my eyes on the road.

"Well, no, I just thought. Uhm…" She chuckled lightly and I felt myself blush. "Don't worry Nora. To answer your question, no, nothing interesting. Just the same stress as everyday."

She said it as if it was nothing. I couldn't imagine to run a company as big as Masked Inc.. And then alone. Maybe did I do some researched before my lunch break and read through a bit of the history of the company? Can you really blame me tho?

Clarissa really brought the company to it's best times. Her parents really must be proud of her, I couldn't imagine it any other way.

"Sounds like you could use a vacation." She chuckled and closed her eyes. "I could, yes… But for that I have to make sure that nothing idiotic happens while I'm gone. And planning that is just more stress that I can't deal with right now."

I felt sorry for her. She couldn't even really relax, not even now in her break. How did she relax at home? My thoughts went back to when I walked into her bedroom and I blushed hard.

"Your alright?" "Yeah… All alright." I smiled shortly and tried to think of something else, but that thought just didn't want to dissappear completely. For my luck we finally reached the cafe.

"It looks cute." "It is." We both got out and walked into the little cafe. As hoped, the cafe was almost comepletly empty.

"Welcome, how can I help you?" "We're gonna call when we are ready to order." Clarissa said and I sighed, reliefed I didn't have to speak to the barista.

"Alright, I'll be there." I nodded, trying to hide the soft blush on my face.

Clarissa sat down at a table, looking through the menu. "How does it come that I never heared of this place? It is beautiful." I smiled and sat down opposit of her.

She looked over the top of the menu. "Not gonna order anything?" "Oh don't worry, I know already what I want." Her eyes reflected the sun light and it felt like she was staring into my soul.

"Then let's order, hm?" I nodded and watched as she raised her hand shortly. Not long after, the barista came to our table.

"Well hello you two, what can I get you?" "I'll take a hot chocolate and a piece of the cheesecake." He nodded and the turned to Clarissa. "A small caramel latte and a blueberry muffin." He nodded once more.

"Anything else I can get you?" I shook my head and he gave us a short smile, before he walked off.

"Seems like you know what you want." She placed her phone on the table. "Yeah, I always order the same when I'm at a cafe." "Scared of trying new things?" Her voice made it sound like she wasn't talking about my order.

"Depends on what it is." My face was red by now and I looked to the side. "Good to know." She leaned back and looked at me.

"How did you sleep?" "Pretty good. I don't know when I felt that good after waking up." Her little smile made my heart beat faster.

"Good to hear that I have such an affect on you." "You have a much bigger effect then you might think." She turned her head a little to the side and looked at me. "Do I?"

My eyes widened, as I looked away. "My face is up here my Dear." Slowly, my eyes wandered back up to her face. Those eyes, I just wanted to dissappear.

"Now answer me." "Y-yeah, you do." She smirked softly, wanting to say something, but the barista interrupted us. "There you go." We both smiled at him, watching him walk away.

Carefully, I took a sip from my hot chocolate. Clarissa watched me slightly, starting to eat her muffin.

When we were done, I looked at the clock. We didn't talk much, we just sat here together, enjoying each others company.

"Well, I think we should head back. My break is almost over." Clarissa nodded and called over the barista, telling him that we wanted to pay.

I grabbed my purse, but she placed her hand ontop of mine. "I'll pay." "No, I can't always make you pay for my stuff." She looked at me. "Please Nora. Don't try to argue with me, you will just lose." "Pff, you will see, I am pretty stubborn." We both chuckled.

"Well, that doesn't matter, because I already payed." I looked over to the barista, which smiled at me. "She did." With a played annoyed look, I grabbed my stuff and stood up.

"You behave like a little child." I waited for her to grab her stuff, before we walked back to my car. "I don't. I just don't want you to pay for me all the time." "Next time I let you pay, alright?" With a smile, I nodded.

We both got into my car and I turned on the radio. She rolled down the window a bit, letting her fingers dance in the wind. I watched her a bit, as I drove off.

When we came back to the libary, I saw her car and Nigel not far away from us. "It's almost 12:30 AM, I have to go back inside." She nodded and we both got out of the car.

"Thank you for that amazing break." I said, looking at her. My heart was racing, as I tried not to be akward. "And I have to thank you for the nice distraction."

We both smiled at each other, and without thinking much more, I hugged her. She held me close and I relaxed, not wanting to let go. "Now comon, I don't want you to get in trouble for beeing to late."

She smiled at me, as we both stepped back a little. With that, she walked over to her car and I saw, how Nigel greeted her.

"Uhm, w-wait!" She stopped and turned back around to me. "Yes?" "Can we… Can we call again? Tonight, just like yesterday?" My hands were shaking, as I waited for her answer.

"I'll call you later, I promise, okay my Dear?" A wide smile came to my lips, as I nodded. "Sounds lovely." "Good. And now go, hush hush." She carefully pushed me to the libary, before she got into her car.

I waited and watched, as she drove off, before I went back inside. Luckly, I still had a minute left, so I wasn't to late.

With a smile on my face, I sat back down at the computer and went through the e-mails. I just couldn't wait for the day to pass by and for the evening to come.

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