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Taking vacation

Clarissa PoV:

I sighed as I saw the many cars infront of her apartment. Nigel turned his head back to me. "Want me to bring you inside?" I shook my head.

"No, no. You can go now. Just pick me up here tomorrow at 5:30, okay?" He nodded, turning his attention back to the front.

Cameras and flashing lights all turned my way as I got out of the car. And it didn't take long for the queszions to come flying my way either.

"James Wood gave a statement just ten minutes ago, stating that you two are actually a couple. What do you say to that?" I just ignored them, making my way past them and over to the front door.

As I pushed the bell, I smiled as soon as I heared her voice. "Yeah?" "It's me Dear. Let me in, or I am gonna kill one of these reporters." She chuckled and the door buzzed open.

"Why her? Why didn't you take a woman that wasn't this poor?" Now that triggered me. "All your exes are rich and she is just a no one." "I have to inform you that she is not a no one."

Turning my head at the cameras, I glared at the man who yelled that question. "And if you or anyone else thinks about talking badly about her, I will come for you. And trust me, your carried will end. Forever."

And so I walked in, slamming the door shut. The sound echoed up the stairs and Leonora looked at me, a slight concerned look on her face.

"Are you alright?" "You know the cameras and everything." She nodded and hugged me, holding me close as she kissed me softly. "But nothing to worry about Dear."

I handed her the bag with bagels and toast and walked in after her. Corinne looked at me and it seemed like a child that had to contain themselves from screaming.

"Is she fine?" Ossie looked at her, then back at me. "Trying her best not to make any of us deaf." I chuckled and took off my coat, hanging it away.

"Just don't pass out sweetheart." "Who are you calling a sweetheart?" Leonora looked at me from the kitchen, a slight jealous look on her face.

"Calm down. You are still number one." "There shouldn't be any other numbers." She mumbled, unpacking the bagles onto a plate. "Someone is getting possesive, hm?"

I watched with a smirk as she blushed. "Yeah, she is. Unusual, really. Normally I am the one that get's possesive. Especially in be-" "Alright! Bagels! Who is hungry?"

Her cheeks still were red, as she brought over the plate. I got a little side glance, chuckling at how aodrable she was.

Her friends didn't really seem to mind when I teased her like that. Corinne always talked about how adorable she looked when I made her blush and the boys were boys. They found it amusing.

Grabbing a bagel for myself, I sat down on the bed. "So, anything interesting happened while I wasn't here?" The three just shrugged and so I turned my gaze back to Leonora.

"Well, Corinne screamed at me. If that's the type of interessting you were looking for." I chuckled and took a bite from my bagel.

"If I may ask. Happened anything interesting at work?" "Actually, yes." Nodding, I watched as they looked at me as if I would tell them the most interessting story of their lifes.

"I don't know if Nora ever told you guys about James Wood. Doesn't really matter. Point is, he is an asshole. And a big one." "Why am i not suprised?" Corinne commented and I nodded.

"Never has any goo ideas and stuff goes on and on. Well. As always, my meetings with him end with him getting escorted or dragged our by security. Just like today."

I felt good when I saw how Leonora started to smirk at that. "And that is so interessting?" Bryce asked, looking rather confused.

"Not really. But it is always amusing to watch him try to insult and threaten me, just to end up outside with nothing accomplished." "Did you tell him to go fuck himself?" The excitment in her eyes was just adorable.

"Of course I did. Called you my girlfriend with all the pride I had. And now there are paparazzi and reporters outside. This man and his ego." The three looked at each other, whilest Leonora looked down.

I don't think she ever gets used to this. To people talking about her life so much now. Atleast she still wanted to be with me.

"I also took my vacation now. Still two weeks till then, but after those you got me three weeks all for yourself." She smiled, before her face fell to a worry.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? I am not sure if I can take vacation so su-" "Because I already took care of that. Three weeks aswell." And there it was again. Her adorable smile.

"You can say. I know I am great." Rolling her eyes, she walked over to me and gave me a soft kiss to my cheek. "If you know then I don't have to tell you."

She sat down besides me. "So you two are gonna go somewhere, or?" "If she is up to it, yeah." I looked at her. "She just has to tell me where she wants to go."

"I wish I had a boyfriend that would spoil me that much." We all started to laugh as Corinne looked at us. "What? That would solve all my problems." "Trust me. Just because he has money, doesn't mean that he is great."

Leonora took my hand in hers, squeezing it softly. "Let's talk about something else then, shall we?" And so we did.

The hours passed by and soon we had after ten PM. "Since when does time go by so quickly? I swear, when I am at work five minutes feel like two hours."

We all laughed at Corinnes comment. "Speaking of work, we have to go now. I would like some rest before work tomorrow." "I have to agree with Ossie. Have to get up early tomorrow aswell."

Leonora whined a bit and I smiled at her. "Calm down Dear. The day after tomorrow is saturday, which means probably work, but with good luck I am home earlier than normally."

We both got up and she nodded. Wrapping her arms around my arm, we walked the others to the door. "And don't talk to any of them. Just walk to your cars and leave."

The three nodded and Leonora hugged each of them good bye, before we closed the door again. I smiled at her, pulling her close into a hug.

"I can't wait for the weekend. We won't leave the bed once." "Seems impossible for me Dear, but if you want that, we will manage to find a way." We both chuckled and I hid my face in her neck.

"Wanna head to bed and cuddle, or do you want to stay like this a little longer?" "Both." I mumbled, my voice vibrating against her skin. I could feel how she got a goosebump and smiled.

"I don't think that is possible. So why don't we go to bed, hm?" Softly, I kissed the nape of her neck, before nodding. "Of course." I stepped back, before heading over to bed.

She looked at me, her cheeks slightly red. "Comon. What are you standing around there?" I chuckled as she rolled her eyes and crawled next to me in bed.

Cuddled close, I pulled the blanket over us. "Sleep tight my Dear." "You too. I love you." We both froze. Silence fell over us, before I spoke again. "I… love you too."

Our eyes met and I could clearly tell the relife she felt. "Sorry, it just…" "No need to apologise." I smiled at her, pulling her close. "Now why don't we cuddle and sleep? I am tired." "Of course you are. You are an old woman."

I looked at her with shock, trying to hide the smile that wanted to form on my lips. "Watch out or I am gonna tickle you." "You don't have the energy to do that grandma."

That was enough for me to slip my hand under her shirt. Her eyes widened and we both started to laugh, as she tried to push my hands away.

"Please! P-please! I am s-sorry!" I chuckled and pulled my hands back, letting her catch her breath. "Never call me grandma again my Dear." "Got that."

We both looked at each other, before I pulled her close and kissed her again. Closing my eyes, I felt tired, never letting go of her as I fell asleep.

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